Track Review : Cal-Vin - Bona

Calvin is putting in more work than anyone in  the hip hop circles this year. At the beginning of the year he was an unknown Bulawayo forward 8 months on, he is the biggest rapper from Bulawayo and one of the most talked and played artist on radio. Since his collaboration with TCR Boss Stunner Cal-Vin's stock has been rising and he is making sure we don't forget about him with his consistent releases. Despite many not understanding Ndebele, they still love him...that just shows how good he is.

He teased us with a sample of this track a couple of weeks back and its finally out. On this track he is singing about him making it against all odds.  Look and see that Kid from Luveve doing it big. Its more of a victory song. He may not yet be the biggest Hip Hop artist in Zim yet but for what he has achieved so far, he has the right to celebrate and be grateful. On top of celebrating, Cal-Vin still wants to be better and scoop all the awards. Ambitions moves us to be who we are.
"...I want it all the ZIMA's the Hip Hop theNAMA's..."

He co-produced the track with Kronik, and they did a super job on the instrumental. Cal-Vin is already an established producer, however working with others helps on improving your talent and the end product of this collaboration is for all to hear. Dope Beat. All in all this is a solid package, it will help solidify Cal-Vin's position and image in the music industry. I see the track getting quite a lot or airplay on the top urban radio stations. 



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