Diary Page 2: Local Songs I Listen to When I'm Feeling Down

Whenever am stressed or feeling down I listen to music. Music is my feel good drug and the best thing about music is that there are no side effects. So there are certain tracks I listen to which always help uplift my mood, to instill hope & to give me strength. The list is not necessarily a gospel list as some may already assume its quite diverse.

So below are 10 local tracks that I use whenever am down and to this day they work 100%. Hopefully they can work for you to.

1) Tembalami - Mhanya
This track is from Tembalami's current and his best album to date; Faith Aid Kit which was released in 2013. This album is definitely a masterpiece, at its core its about repairing that broken soul so the whole album works when your feeling down. I chose Mhanya because every time I feel like what am aiming for in life is impossible this song gives me strength. The track urges me to keep on moving and put my trust in the Lord.

2) Janet Manyowa - Ndomira Pamuri
From her debut 2015 album King Of Glory. This album is also a must listen, it was the most successful album of 2015 in terms of Award nominations. I advise you get the whole album rather than the track in mention. Chose Ndomira Pamuri because this track got me through every moment of weakness, desperation and doubt  I experienced over the past 12 months. It reminded me that I must always trust in God in all situations for he Is the King Of Glory, "The Lord strong and mighty, The Lord mighty in battle.".

3) Mokoomba - Manunge
Do not even know what this song means but I just love it. Its from Mokoomba's superb Rising Tide album. I listen to this song on those days where I need to free up my mind. Its for those days when I cannot seem to think anything through properly, when I have too much on my mind. It transports me to another world and frees up my mind...it has saved me a lot of headaches.

4) Karma - Chasing Moments
On certain days I truly believe that this is the best Zim Hip Hop track ever. It did not top the charts or anything like that but its timeless. Its the title from Karma's 2014 Timeless Mixtape Chasing Moments. This track always motivates me every-time I listen to it. It has helped me a lot when I felt defeated and needed motivation. Achieving your life goals is a very very trying task and tracks like this help you stay on track, they keep raising you up when you faltering.

5) Simon Chimbetu - Chauta
Many Zimbos love this track and there is a very good reason why; Its well made and sounds amazing. Am not fluent in Chewa but someone said this song is a prayer, Chopper is asking God why people always assume the worst judging from his appearance, hence he is asking God why he did not change him or give him a better face/appearance. Deep. Maybe you also troubled by what people say about you, don't kill yourself over them, learn to appreciate what you are and  work to improve what can be changed. On top of that this track will serenade you and set your mind free from any congestion

6) Andy Brown - Shungu
This is another track that help ease my mind from any congestion and pressures. Its a beautiful track by the Legendary late Andy "Muzkuru" Brown. This track will offer you a much needed escape from the world. Its easy to sing along so in no time you will find yourself singing along.

7) Thomas Mapfumo - Chamunorwa
When it comes to instilling that "I don't care" attitude noone does it better than the Lion of Zimbabwe, Dr Tafirenyika Mapfumo. Listening to Mukanya's music I can clearly see why he was instrumental in motivating the guerrillas during the second Chimurenga. His music invokes that rebellious attitude/feel from inside you, the music makes you stand up to your fears. If you have anyone who is bullying you or demeaning you in your life and you are afraid to stand up to them I highly suggest you listen to Mukanya's music starting with this one. Mukanya's music is for those who act rather than theorists...it makes you act. Personally before any scary or nervous confrontations I listen to this track. Take a listen (to this track and other Mapfumo tracks) and see how your life will change.

8) Alexio Kawara - Save
From my favourite  Alexio Kawara album  Tose (2011). The album as a whole is just superb, buy it and be blown away. However when it comes to getting my feeling up, Save does just that for me. Save is a prayer, one you make when you know you cannot make it on your own and you need the Lord to help you. Personally I face a lot of challenges where all odds are staked against me and  I know deep inside that I will not make it alone. This is my prayer in those circumstances. Try it, it may work for you.

9) Oliver Mtukudzi - Muchatuta
Possibly my all time favourite track from the Legendary Samanyanga. The track is found on the Neria Soundtrack Compilation. The African Drum work here is heavenly. This song always gets me dancing every-time I listen to it. Whenever am feeling down because I'm being forced to do something I don't like, this is the track I listen to. This track helps me get the courage to stand up for myself and not let people milk off my hard work. Sometimes you have to be strong and bold

10) Shingisai Suluma - Nanhasi
According to me Shingisai Suluma is the best Female musician to come out of Zimbabwe. This song needs no introduction, it was like the national anthem when it came out. Even the President himself admitted that this is a special song. This is a daily prayer for everyone. Whenever you feel like life has forsaken you, always remember you are still alive With all the tragedies, illnesses and accidents that occur around you, the Lord keeps protecting you. We should learn to be grateful always.

Could not list the my whole playlist for those moments you need motivation and inspiration but the above mentioned will do the job perfectly. Maybe you used to turn to alcohol and drugs when you were feeling down...its time to change to a more safer drug/habit...MUSIC.

For any other recommendations you may have feel free to write  them in the comments section below.


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