Adonis Mudarikiri - Murimutsvene

Adonis is a Zim RnB artists based in Johannesburg in South Africa. This is my first time hearing about him, bumped across this track when I was browsing soundcloud for any worthy local tracks. Judging by his soundcloud profile it seems he sing most about love, well for an RnB artists its not shocking. On his recent and most current track he switched to gospel. It's always good to give thanks to the Lord for all that he keeps blessing you with.

The track is well produced, it has a modern feel to it. He kept his RnB feel and vibe and this song oozes that RnB chill factor. Great work on the production.

This track is about giving all the glory to the Almighty. Adonis is just worshiping on this track. Its a track one sings as thanksgiving for all the good things the Lord has done in their life. I believe when Adonis wrote this song, he was in a thanksgiving mood, he was giving Jehovah all the glory for his life and all that he has. Beautiful track.

He gave a great perfomance on the track, his vocals are standard. He did not stray away from his usual RnB type of singing and it worked well on this track.

Listen to the track:

In overall this is a good track. If it manages to get airplay it will be a favourite of many. This track has the potential to reach many Zimbos and Adonis will be branded as a Gospel artist, don't know if he will prefer that or remain a Afro RnB artist?!?.

What are your thoughts on the track??



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