Track Review : MarcQues - Nyarara

MarcQues is back, after some time in the background he is back. His track Zunguza was such a smash hit that he was able to ride on its wave for quite some time, however Zimbos (me included) were starting to question him, his abilities and consistency. MarcQues is suffering from the curse of starting a career with a massive club anthem and hip hop track of the year. Following up such on a debut is a gigantic task which many fail to take on successfully. After 2 years MarcQues has released a track worthy to be mentioned beside Zunguza, or did he ??

Nyarara was produced by YoungNash, the producer was also quiet for some time just like MarcQues. However he still hasn't lost his touch, the instrumental is sounding dope. The song was mixed and mastered by Rehab Boss Anonzi Xndr. The song sounds great, the vocals and instruments used on the production are audible. Great Job from the YoungNash and Anonzi Xndr.

MarcQues was replying to all of his critics on this jam. He is stating that he is still dope and on top of his game, also he says that "even if he slacks he is still better than your favourite rapper". He is making a bold statement to other artists. MarcQues was in charge of the verses and the hook. He delivered great bars on the verses, he went in hard...definitely the targeted critics will have a lot on their plates after this jam.
"Rumor has it kuti bhebhi rako ndere six to six kunge mazda
hanzi akarohwa neghetto rese kunge mbavha..."

The chorus is also dope, he was attacking those guys who just make noise on social media platforms but in real life have no game. On point.

Download Track : MarcQues - Nyarara

This is a solid jam, great comeback from MarcQues. It will definitely give his critics something to think about. However claiming that he is the best, on top and is changing the game uhmmmm that's questionable.



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