Best Albums from Zimbabwe Part 3 : Gospel Edition

On this third edition of Best Album from this beautiful country of Zimbabwe we'll be concentrating on gospel albums. There are many gospel albums released in Zim, cannot cover them all in one article so will just be covering 5 albums today.

Here We Go :

  • Sabastian Magacha : Tinaye Faithful God. (2013)
This is the album that made Saba into the mega gospel artist we know and love today. The album contained 13 tracks namely : Tinotenda, Shaura, Ridza Bhosvo, Gwenzi, Ndipeiwo Simba, Hama, Ondibvumbamira, Fara, Children's Voice, Makandinunura,  Kusvika Kumagumo, Tinoriparidza Chete & Jehovah.

This album was a staple for all major church & church related events like, weddings, conferences, seminars, revivals.  Songs like Ridza Bhosvo, Gwenzi, Shaura dominated the gospel charts and many Zimbos can sing them word to word, they know the instrumentals beat to beat. The tracks even to this day are still a favourite for many.

  • Fungisai Zvakavapano - Mashavave - Ndiye Jesu (2005)
Fungisai was already a known and loved gospel artist when this album came out, but this album transformed her from being a good gospel musician to an iconic musician. Fungisai is responsible for popularizing gospel sungura in Zim, her music was as popular in the bars as it was in the churches, that just shows you how awesome her music is, even the drunkards requested it. 

The album contained 8 tracks namely : Ndiye Jesu, Ungakhali, Kurarama Ndimi, Hezekia, Mwari Makanaka, Handiduduze, Ndiye Jesu (Instrumental) & Jesu Ouya. These tracks dominated the charts, playlists, radio airplay, TV airplay and other media platforms which were existent in those days. The album may as well be her best album to date, and its tracks are still as loved today as in 2005 when they were released. What an album this is. Perfect.

 Buy the Album : Ndiye Jesu on iTunes

  • Charles Charamba & The Fishers of Men - Vhuserere (2000)
Baba Charamba as he is affectionately know is a regarded as a legend, he has kept us dancing and praising the Lord for more than 15 yrs and to this day he is still making us dance and give praise to the Lord through his music. For every legend there is a track or album that separated them from the masses and for baba Charamba this is that album. This album put Baba Charamba in front of everyone else, it sold more than 100 000 copies that year, it was everywhere, the only album that sold more than Vhuserere was Simon Chimbetu's 2000 Dendera Blend.

Vhuserere contained 12 tracks namely : Ikoko, Sarudzai, Universal Winner, Masimba Ndeenyu, I Must Work, Handidi Naye, Jesu Ndiye Ega, Musacheme, Makabatei, Moses na Aaron, Soddon ne Gomorah & Kumakomo Ngaarumbidzwe. This album is possibly his best work to date, and if you ask any Zimbo to name any 5 Baba Charamba songs they know, they will definitely mentioned one or two tracks from Vhuserere. Groundbreaking & Heavenly album.

  • Shingisai Suluma & The Joystreet Choir - Maitiro Enyu (2007)
Many artists fall short when following up on a groundbreaking album or song. Mai Suluma defied those odds when she released Maitiro Enyu in 2007, the album was obviously going to be heavily compared to her 2005 critically acclaimed and classic album Tatenda Taona. Maitiro Enyu matched all the expectations and was an instant classic album. It was greatly received and loved by Zimbos.

The album contained 11 tracks namely : Intro, Maitiro Enyu, Ndizvo, Handikusiye Wega, Handiti, Ndinozviziva, Iripo Nzira, Gare Gare, Its Not A Dream, Aripo & Naye. Tatenda Taona made her an Icon and Maitiro Enyu made her a legend. She earned the respect of Zimbos to the extend that they started to refer to her as Mai Shingisai Suluma and not just Shingisai Suluma. Personally l believe she is one of the greatest female musicians to ever come out of Zim.

Buy The Album : Maitiro Enyu on iTunes

  • Mercy Mutsvene - Best Of Mercy (2009)
Mercy Mutsvene may be known for dominating the headlines with her scandals but when she puts pen to paper and is behind the mic she delivers some timeless powerful gospel songs. She dominated 2009 with her album Best of Mercy, the album was loved by Zimbos and everywhere  one would go in Zim her tracks were being played there. Her albums was an anthem in the Kombis, Shops, gatherings, revivals.

The album consisted of 10 tracks : Handingabvumi, Tiregererei, Nyika, Jesu Ruvimbo Rwangu, Tichasanganiswa, Jerusalem, Tinofamba Nomweya, Canaan, Zano & Iko Kumusha. This album is her best work to date, and the tracks are classics, even after 5 years the themes and lyrics in these tracks are still blessing Zimbos everywhere. Who is Zim has never sang along to Handingabvumi, or Nyika???!!

Be Blessed

Proud Zimbo


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