Track Review : Seh Calaz & Celscius - Sahwira

When two extremely talented vocalist meet there is bound to be explosions. Seh Calaz and Celscius are the two best vocalists in Zim Dancehall by far and was praying for a collaboration between the two, my prayers have been answered. Many Zimbos like me are anxious to know how the collaboration between these two would sound, is it hit or miss??

The Mabhanditi and Warrior Music collaboration was produced Dj Oskid at Kenako. Oskid seems not to be putting a foot or key wrong these days and this instrumental is no exception. Its standard and fitting to the track. l can see the ghetto youths doing "maClarks" to this tune. Great job by Oskid.

The track is about true friendship (husahwira). Its encouraging and praising true friendship, having a friend who stands by you no mater what, that friend who encourages you to do good and stops you from going into a destructive path, a friend who is proud of you. These artist did justice to their verses. Loved Celscius on the chorus, his voice is just amazing. Loving this collaboration.

I see this one competing for best collaboration at the next Zim Dancehall Awards and ya its definitely a hit.



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