Track Review : ExQ - Bhachura

Musalala is back with a  new track. He last gave us Nzungu Ndamenya ft Cal_Vin, the track has received mixed feelings, some love it some not so much. However he is still having a great year, with his other tracks (The Way, Pore Pore, Alleluya) hitting the right spots with many Zimbos. How does Bhachura fare???

The track was produced by Oskid at Kenako Studios. Oskid did an awesome job on this instrumental, am loving it to bits. The guitar work is divine. The song is well made, applause & respect to you Mr Oskid.

Bhachura is about a person who chooses to be single than to commit to the wrong person. The chorus is on point and powerful
"Zvirinani Ndiite Bhachura 
ndisati ndaita mashura mashura "

This song tackles a very important topic which is being faced by many in their relationships. Was once in such a situation, however on my part the song was being sang to me and not the other way round...Despite being pregnant with message the track will cause damage on the dance-floor...edutainment at its best. Loved the fact that ExQ did not change his voice like he did on Nzungu Ndamenya he kept it original as we know and love. Don't know who featured but he did a great job also. Love the track.

The song sounds good and ExQ has made another hit here.



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