Track Review: ExQ ft Freeman - Jerusarema

ExQ is said to be in the process of making a new album and judging by how good his 2015 Putiti album was (Putiti Album Review), I will be very  much looking forward to the new album if it's coming. Putiti contained some amazing jams like Mamoyo, Pore Pore, The Way, Alleluya, Bhachura, I Love You...etc. He has now released a new jam, probably a single from the upcoming album and he featured high riding HKD Boss Freeman. From the form of the two artists this promises to be a very strong track, lets see if it matches the expectations??!!

The track is on a afro beat tip and the production was in the good hands of DJ Tamuka. No-one does Afro Beats better than Dj Tamuka at the moment in the whole of Zimbabwe, the guy just owns the genre. He did a very good job on the production of this one. The arrangement is on point. The bass line is sounding good. The track has a lot of dancehall elements and the resulting fusion is sounding very good. In overall production of the track is standard.

Jerusarema is about forgetting your worries and having a good time. The Jerusarema mentioned here is a traditional dance people used to do back in the day, some still do the dance these days. The track is about doing the Jerusarema dance and having a blast.

The two artists gave standard performances. ExQ brought his unique style of rapping which fit the the track very well. Freeman owned the chorus and was fantastic, his style of singing blended perfectly with the instrumental. The chorus is simple and easy to sing along to, by the end of the track you will be singing along. 

In overall this is a very good track. Love the instrumental. The vocals are audible and easy to comprehend. Freeman gave a superb vocal perfomance on the hook, despite ExQ giving a good performance, the HKD Boss ran away with the track. This will definitely be a favourite of many and with a bit of good fortunes it will be one of the tracks for this summer.

What are your thoughts on the track???


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