Album Review: Freeman - Top Striker

Freeman had a superb 2016 with his album Mangoma Hobho which received plaudits from all sectors of the music industry, did a review of the album and you can read it here: Mangoma Ihobho Album Review . He went on to release the much loved single Interview which is on the popular Jamaican produced Moskato Riddim. Following up on such a successful album is a tall order for nearly anyone and Freeman has finally decided to release the follow up to Mangoma Ihobho and today will be sharing my thoughts and views on the album. As usual will be doing a track by track review. 1. Nothing Ah Gwan (Moyo Wangu) The first jam on the track does a good job in setting the pace and standard for the album. It was produced by Dj Tamuka at the Millitary Touch and he did a very solid job. Love the bouncy nature of the track. Freeman is talking about what many of us experience on a daily basis, we smile and get on with life despite the many challenges we are facing. Many of us des...