ZimPraise - The New Commandment Season 11: Let Love Lead Album Review

Zim Praise are the biggest and most popular choral group in the country, they are known in all corners of Zimbabwe. They sort of have a monopoly hold on the genre, which is understandable given how they have overcame many odds throughout the years to reach this stage. They are at stage where they are not dealing with scandals or squabbles and it a good platform for them to concentrate on their art. Their last project the Hymns Night 3 was good, enjoyed a number of tracks and it made me look forward to their album, wanted to see if they can be as equally good with their own songs.

They have released a new project titled The New Commandment and have been listening to it for some time and now I can share my views and thoughts on the project. Love the fact that the album is a love recording, there is an atmosphere, there is a certain amount of energy that a live recording possesses that a studio recording cannot replicate.
The is a double album which contains 24 tracks and as usual will be doing a track by track review:

Side A 

1. Ndimi Simba Rangu
The album starts on an uplifting and uptempo tip whereby they are saying Lord you are my Strength, You are my refuge. The production is done well, love the bass guitar and saxophone. The vocals are also done quite well, loved how they went for the old skool choir structure whereby no one person leads but different parts take turns to lead, this style tests your unity and harmony. Its a good track to open the album with.

2. Zvose Ndezvedu
This track got me from the beginning, when the vocals kicked in I was already in love with the track. Patience was in charge of leading the track and she did so in a powerful and audible way, no unnecessary screaming or shouting. On top of that she has that Mai Shingisai Suluma flavour about her which I love, probably Patience grew up listening to the legendary Mai Suluma. On the track they are saying all the blessings were given unto us, the Lord has blessed all of us through the promise he made with Abraham, so all of the good things on earth belong to us us. The production is superbly done, love the arrangement. The saxophone sounded awesome on this track, the bass guitar is also on point, applause to the instrumentalists. The backing vocals were also on point. This is a very beautiful jam, love it, after listening to the track I had to search whether it was new song and realized that Patience released this track more than a year back, this version however sounds better. My favourite song on the whole project.

3. Zvose Ndezvedu Reprise
A reprise is a repeat of a performance and this is a repeat of the performance of Zvose Ndezvedu. Its captures the beautiful instrumental and backing vocals.

4. I Am A Winner/ I Am In Love Medley
They switched it up to a lively reggae arrangement on this track and its sounding good. On the first part they are saying I Am A Winner because Jesus is a winner and he lives in my heart. On the next part are saying I Am In Love with Jesus. The production is done well, the instrumental arrangement is done well.

5. Ndodzoka (feat Aleck Gunda)
Aleck Gunda is in charge of leading the track and he did quite a good job on the lead. On this song they are singing about realizing that you were lost and returning to the Lord's presence, asking for forgiveness and mending your ways to return in his favour. The production is done well, the arrangement is kind generic, its similar to what you will hear when you go to church on Sunday during Worship sessions, the structure however works and gets you in the mood, its a proven style.

6. Ndoenda (feat Nyasha Mutonhori)
Nyasha was in charge of leading this track and she did a good job on that but towards the end did not like her screaming, it was distracting and sounded distorted. On the track they are saying I will not be like Jonah who defied God's orders to go an preach in Ninevah, when they are called upon to do the Lord's work they shall go. The production is done quite well.

7. Riripo Tsime
Love the structure of this track, it gets you deep in thought as you meditate on the words being sung. On the track they are saying there is a well filled with the blood of Christ, the well that will wash all the sickness away, a well that will clean you of all you sins. Jesus Christ died for our sins, He suffered so we could live so you must be grateful that He died for you, for your life. The production is done well, love how the vocals are arranged.

8. There Is A Well
This is the English version of the track above. The difference is that on this version there is a lead singer.

 9. The Revival Song
Melissa was in charge of leading this track and she brought the energy that is always present in her performances. The Revival Song is about yearning for the fire of the Lord to return, to reignite within you, this track is about renewing your hunger in the things of the Lord. The production is grand, taking advantage of  rises to deliver that punch, its a strategy that works, it's been proven time and time. One disadvantage of such songs is that is also sounds the same as other similar structured tracks, it does the job but lacks the uniqueness that will make it stick for long. 

10. Nyasha DzaJehovah
On this track they are saying the Lord should be worshiped for his grace and love is forever and ever. This track is produced well, the arrangement follows a familiar structure which makes the track familiar and easy to follow for many.
11. Usaomese Moyo
This track feels like an extension of the track above, they have a similar feel to them. On this track they say that the Lord speaks to his children in many ways and you must not harden you hear when you hear the voice of the Lord. The production is done well, the instrumental arrangement is done well as compared to the previous track, love the latter part when the lead guitar is let loose. The vocal performance is also done well, blending with the instrumental well.

12. Jeso (feat Jonah Chivasa)
Jonah Chivasa was in charge of leading this song and he did quite a good job. On this track they are saying we do not seek any other name other than the name of Jesus Christ, for it the name above all the other names, its the name with power. They shook up the production for a modern kind of feel and arrangement which is welcomed given how generic a number of tracks sound like.

13. Praise Break
On this track they went for the American kind of Praise music, the one which we have seen in many African American movies. The track is energetic, both the way the instruments and vocals are arranged are full of energy.

14. Usafira/Chonyeba
Ellard Cherayi is in charge of the leading this track, and he did a superb job. He also showcased he is also as good singing praise as he does worship songs. The track is sung in Ndebele, Shona & Xhosa signaling that the group is trying to cater for the various ethnic groups. The track will straight up remind you of South Africa super group Joyous Choir, it has similar arrangement and feel which will make the track more appealing to many people. The production is done well, the vocals, backing vocals and instrumental arrangements are all on point. This is a track that will have you singing along in no time.

15. Usafira/Chonyeba Reprise 
A reprise is a repeat of a performance and this is a repeat of the performance of Usafira/Chonyeba. Its a repeat of the superb chorus.

16. Super Power/ Unconquerable
This is an energetic track and you can feel it from the onset, love the intro, the drums are on point. Love how the guitars join one by one, the bass first then the lead. Sharon was in charge of the vocals and as usual she delivered a lovely performance, the backing vocals were also on point. On this tack they are saying there is Superpower on the cross, there is an unconquerable power on the cross, a power that is available to everyone regardless of age. The production is done quite well, on the last third the track switches to the popular Unconquerable track that had people dancing a couple of years back. Am not a big fan of the switch, it was not as smooth and it just killed the song for me.

Side B

1. Ndakadzidza Kutenda
The first track on Side B of the album starts with a track that talks about renewing your faith in the Lord. The track urges one to look at the blessings that have been awarded to them and praise the Lord. The production is done quite well and the vocals are also done well.  The last half of the track is the lead singer narrating the track and hyping up people and I feel they overdid it, the song was going well and  that part dulled the mood for me.

2. Ndiani Angaende
On this track they sing about the huge sacrifice that Jesus Christ made by sacrificing his life so he can bring salvation to the people, it talks about the abounding love that Christ Jesus has for us. Eli Mambo was in charge of leading this song and delivered a strong performance and the backing vocals were also up to the task as has been the case throughout the project. The instruments are arranged very well, the drums, guitar, keyboard, saxophone are all on point. This is quite a powerful worship jam, which makes one reflect on how Christ's love has been good to them. 

3. Mwari Simukai
On this track they are crying for the Lord to rise, for when the Lord rises all the enemies will fall by the wayside, they will scatter and flee.This is the track that you sing when you feel that there is no way out, when you feel hopeless and defeated, you need the Lord to rise in you life and open up closed doors and opportunities. The track is structured quite okay, both on the vocals and the instrumentals.

4. Vongwai Jehovah
On this track they sing a popular worship song, which many already know and will be singing along to from the start. They did not change the song and that was a good move, they made some subtle tweaks on backing vocals which may not be evident to many. The productions is done well, it complements the track very well. Its not the best version of the track, the praise and worship team at your church may even sing it better but it remains a powerful performance regardless.

5. Sahwira (feat Mathias Mhere)
On this track the group teamed up with Mathias Mhere to perform a rendition of Mathias's hit jam Sahwira. In summary this is a spiced up, energetic version version of Sahwira with better guitar work, drumwork and backing vocals. If you loved the original you will also enjoy this version. On this track they are asking if the person who you are with, that person whom you trust is really your friend.

6. Munhu Kuvanhu (feat Mathias Mhere)
They again teamed up performing Mathias's Munhu Kuvanhu and its the same as the collaboration above. It a version with better guitar work, drumwork and backing vocals. On the track they are talking about Jesus came down to earth and became just like us. Many insulted him, some persecuted him, even though he was blameless.

7. Ndaona Munondida
On this track they went for the uptempo generic sungura structure for this track, which will do well on a live show when you need to get the people dancing however listening to the track outside the live show environment it does not work. The vocals are okay, not as good as on many of the tracks, it sounds like a filler track in many ways. The production is okay, you can feel that this was a track  made for or made up on the stage  They implemented some Chimbetu progressions on the guitar to spice up the track but it remains a stage track.

8. Tamirira Jeso
The album ends on an energetic tip with this track where they are saying we are waiting for the coming of Jesus Christ. Wencilus was in charge of the track and he brought his unique flavour to the track and his energetic performance complements the track well. In overall its an okay track.

Buy The Album: 

So ya that's if for the latest Zim Praise album. The album is full of energy which will make a lot of people dance but in overall the songwriting is not that impressive and the instrumental arrangements are not inspiring on many instances. 

The instrumentals on a lot of instances are generic, most of the tracks sound just as how my Praise & Worship team sounds at church, there are no jaw-dropping arrangements or those arrangements that will have churches all over copying like we do those tracks from SA Choral Groups. It actually feels as if the arrangements were taken from what people are already used to, in a way you can say they played it safe which works on a live show but when listening to the album in your car or with you headphones the magic is lost. However its not all bad because the saxophone was superb throughout, it the best part of this whole album, applause to the guy behind the sax.

When it comes to the themes, they are what you expect from a gospel album. Given the title of the album I was expecting most of the tracks to be about love, the Love of the Lord or urging us to show love to one another but that was not the case, it seems the name was just chosen mainly by how good it sounds. The vocals are quite good, if you have listened to the group before then you know what to expect, nothing new. When it comes to the lead singers it seems the same popular names are still being given the honor of leading most of the names, a little diversity will not kill anyone.

The biggest improvement this time around is the branding, the groups is now branded much better. The stage decorations, set ups and even choir layout had improved a lot. It shows the group is now taking branding seriously, watching their new videos online you feel the improved quality.

My biggest complaint with Zim Praise is that for a group that is now over 10 years old, they still lack a lot when it comes to songwriting. Their most popular tracks have been renditions of popular hymns and choruses, there is a massive lack of original songs. For example Celebration Choir which is now nearly extinct is still remembered for tracks such as Tambira Jehovah and Toimba Ishe which are still loved by many more than 10 years after they were released, the tracks have inspired many other tracks over the past years. Zim Praise lacks that defining track and I feel they should invest a lot in songwriting and come up with more original tracks. That also extends to the instrumental arrangements, if it was not for the saxophone the instrumentals would have been wholly generic, and that is shocking given the pool of talented instrumentalists they have at their disposal.

You can clearly see that I was not that impressed with the project but there are a number of tracks that I enjoyed. My favourite track is the new version of Patience Masiyambiri's Zvose Ndezvedu, its beautiful and sounds superb. Other tracks I enjoyed are Chonyeba/Usafira, Vongwai Jehovah, Riripo Tsime Ndiani Angayende, Ndadzoka & Usaomese Moyo.

In conclusion this is an okay project, after listening to Zvose Ndezvedu was expecting fireworks but that was not the case. If you have been a fan of Zim Praise before, yes go ahead and buy the album but if this is your first time, just get a few selected singles.

My Overal Rating: 4.5/10

What are your thoughts on the album???


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