15 Beautiful Long Distance Relationship Tracks from Zim

Love relationships are always a lot of work and if there happens to be some considerable distance between the two of you itās even harder to keep the relationship afloat. Not all long distance relationships fail but most do, much is required from each partner to keep the relationship going. With the Corona pandemic forcing the country and world into lockdown this has undoubtedly affected those who had made plans to see each other. Iām not a love doctor who is going to try and give advice on how to do long distance relationships but what I can do is to help you with music that can help you in the situation you are in. Music sometimes goes deeper that what works can do, music does not only convey a message as in the lyrics but it can also convey a feeling, something which is hard to express in words. So today have gone through a lot of music genres in Zim and will share with you 20 tracks that can help you convey the message and feeling you want to convey to your partner. Hopefully th...