
Showing posts from May, 2020

15 Beautiful Long Distance Relationship Tracks from Zim

Love relationships are always a lot of work and if there happens to be some considerable distance between the two of you itā€™s even harder to keep the relationship afloat. Not all long distance relationships fail but most do, much is required from each partner to keep the relationship going. With the Corona pandemic forcing the country and world into lockdown this has undoubtedly affected those who had made plans to see each other. Iā€™m not a love doctor who is going to try and give advice on how to do long distance relationships but what I can do is to help you with music that can help you in the situation you are in. Music sometimes goes deeper that what works can do, music does not only convey a message as in the lyrics but it can also convey a feeling, something which is hard to express in words. So today have gone through a lot of music genres in Zim and will share with you 20 tracks that can help you convey the message and feeling you want to convey to your partner. Hopefully th...

Top 5 Tracks - Andy Brown

On this episode of Top 5 Tracks will be focusing on the late guitarist and singer Andy Brown. Personally I feel Andy was one of the finest guitarist to ever come out of Zim, he had this unique way of playing that was recognizable and you could pick it out on all the tracks he collaborated on. When he passed on he left a gap in the industry which is yet to be filled. He had this soft rock and psychedelic vibe to his music which was refreshing and lovely. His best project was the album; The Passage Of Time.  Andy had a string of beautiful tracks so selecting my top 5 was quite a challenge but i had to do it and below are my top 5 tracks from Andy Brown:   5. Shungu On this track Andy Brown collaborated with South African house outfit Revolution and they gave us this beautiful jam. This track flows beautifully and you can easily get lost in the vibe. 4. Tichangoshaina On of his most iconic tracks. Its produced beautifully and it sounds good. Love how the vocals ...

The Finest Mother's Dedication Tracks From Zim

Every 2nd Sunday of May we celebrate Mothers Day. Its a day set aside for us to celebrate our mothers, it may not be your biological mother but that woman who has mothered you at some point in your life, you need to appreciate and celebrate them. On this article decided to compile a list of some of the finest dedications to have been released in Zim for our mothers. Many many artists have released a track dedicated to mothers somewhere in their discography but not all of them are good and memorable. On this list will be sharing with you 10 classic and memorable dedications. So without wasting time lets get to the 10;  1 . Alexio Kawara - Amai This is one classic dedication, millions of Zimbos can sing along to this track word to word. It's a beautiful dedication, Alexio was thanking his mother for all she has done for him, he also went on to say he  cannot repay her enough for what she has done for him. 2. Shingisai Suluma - Amai Vangu One of my favorite dedi...

Top 5 Tracks - Afrika Revenge

The local jazz genre has hosted a number of legends but none ever made a big splash like what Afrika Revenge did when they released their Qaya Musik album. The album caused a lot of commotion and proved that Jazz music can perform on the charts as better as any other genre. The group/duo split up afterwards breaking the hearts  of many (mine included). Looking back now you cannot blame them for the breakup, creating such a flawless project at the young ages they were was inevitably going to mess with their heads. The album was so good that now more than 15 years later rumours about the group coming back together creates a lot of buzz. On this episode of Top 5 will focusing on the trailblazing band Afrika Revenge. Luckily for me they have a very short discography, all their superb tracks are contained in one album; Qaya Musik. Have listened to the album religiously over the years and can sing along to all the tracks and can even sing the instrumentals. Choosing a top 5 was hard...

Top 5 Tracks - Chiwoniso Mararire

After a long break the Top 5 Series is back and on today's article will be focusing on the late Mbira Queen Chiwoniso Maraire or Sister Chi as she was affectionately known. Chiwoniso is one of the very few artists who managed to reach legendary status despite having a very short discography. I only know of two albums from her and a few singles released in between. However of the two albums one of them; Rebel Woman is very good and filled with a lot of mbira goodness and the other album; Ancient Voices is one of the finest albums to ever been released in Zim, its as near to perfection as albums get.  So despite having a short discography nearly all of her tracks are superb.  Whenever she released a track you would know that it was of top quality. So selecting my top 5 was quite a hard task but i had to do it and here are my favorite tracks from Sister Chi. 5. Hurombo (Mugara Ndega) This is Chiwoniso's cover of Thomas Mapfumo's classic of the same title and s...