Album Review: Oliver Mtukudzi - Hany'Ga

The legendary Oliver Mtukudzi is back with another album!!! personally I feel it's not really necessary for him to keep releasing albums, he has over 60 albums and they contain enough classics for him to keep performing till he cannot perform anymore. However Tuku has been doing this longer than I have been on this earth its now part of him and it's hard to retire from something you love that much. Going to this album one thing you realize is that his music these days is less aimed at being commercial successes but it's him sharing his mind with fans, he is addressing certain social issues that he feels need to be addressed. It's no longer the Paivepo, Vhunze Moto, Tsivo, Nhava, Neria Tuku, he has now fully taken the granddad of music role in its entirety, whenever he releases something he is advising just as granddad's do. On this album the among other things he tackles the issue of child marriages. The album contains 10 tracks and as per usual will be...