Proud Zimbo's Top 5 Tracks & Projects of March

At the end of each month, I compile a top 5 of the tracks released and reviewed that specific month. Last month the top spot went to Alexio Kawara's beautiful Nehana and the month before it went to Tytan and Ammara Brown's Mukoko.

March was quite a different month, only managed to review exactly 5 tracks namely; Trevor Dongo - Mashoko Apera, Afrodizzay - I Dunno, Miss V Candy, Kat Dahila, Nyanda & Gigi Lamayne - Mayhem,  Adonis Mudarikiri - Murimutsvene and Dutch ft Pelo - Have It All. So selecting was not that much a headache.

The most unique part of this month is that I also managed to review 5 projects, the most I've reviewed in a month since the creation of the blog. The projects are namely: Verseless - Home EP, Brythreesixty - Puple Mars Mixtape, Freeman - Mangoma Ihobho Album, Courtney Antipas - BackToBasicsEP and Alick Macheso's Tsoka Dzerwendo Album. These ones caused me a headache trying to select the top 5. Love these projects, well the reason I did reviews of them is because I felt Zimbos need to know about these projects.

So firstly its the top 5 tracks: 

5) Miss V Candy, Kat Dahila, Gigi Lamayne,& Nyanda - Mayhem

4) Adonis Mudarikiri - Murimutsvene

3) Afrodizzay - I Dunno

2) Trevor D - Mashoko Apera

1) Dutch ft Pelo - Have It All
A song for all the dreamers. Those who have goals that sometimes overwhelm them but regardless  they keep working till they Have It all.

Okay now that we're finished with the top 5 of reviewed tracks we move to the Reviewed projects.

5) Brythreesixty : Purple Mars Mixtape
Brythreesixty proved that he will be force to reckon with in the Hip Hop genre. He showed he has the potential to become a household name.

4) Courtney Antipas : Back To Basics EP
He was the finest CHH rapper in Africa before this EP and he further solidified his position as the best with this great EP. Great production, on point messages and superb verses.

3) Freeman : Mangoma Ihobho
The HKD boss was having a problem or many thought he was a having a problem matching up the new guys and he answered all his critics with this superb album. Not even one song is below par, great production, meaningful messages...This is Docta back at his best.

2) Alick Macheso : Tsoka Dzerwendo
The legendary guitarist finally delivered and  believe me it was worth the 4 year wait. Macheso rose above all the bad publicity to deliver a good album. Not his best effort to date but a great effort nonetheless. The album shook the nation and is on its way to be the best selling album of the past 10 years. Many will be surprised that this is not the number one definitely deserves the top spot, its well made and it's probably gonna outlive all the other projects here combined but it failed to do one thing...surprise me!!! what i expected is what I got...its a good album and will be dancing to it for some time to come but it did not drop my jaw or give me goosebumps.

1) Verseless : Home EP 
This project really shocked me. I did not know what to really expect when I first listened but it exceeded the range of expectations I had. It is surprisingly and shockingly good. Its not a sound we hear everyday, its unique. Verseless is largely unknown to Zimbos so this project was never gonna perform like the others on this list, it was not gonna do 100 000 downloads, get massive airplay in the Kombis and taxis or get heavily sent via SHAREit and WhatsApp.....that however does not take away the brilliance of this EP.

So ya those are my lists. feel free to comment with your version of the list if you do not agree with mine.



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