Track Review : Rusuniversal ft Courtney "Ill Ceey" Antipas - Wierdos

Courtney "Ill Ceey" Antipas continues to fight for the Gospel through music. This time he features on a song by Russuniversal. The track is oddly titled for a Gospel song, but that just adds to the curiosity. On Ill Ceeys website (COURTNEYANTIAPS.COM) the track is described as :

Weirdo's is a track that features two passionate artists who are embarking on a journey to address the elephants in the rooms of the Church. It is a ground breaking track that introduces a new movement which serves to open the eyes of believers through the leadership of The Holy Spirit.

Will be reviewing the track, and find out if its truly groundbreaking and how best does it address the issues faced by the Church.

The heavy instrumental is the first thing anyone will notice. The beat is dope, and has this thuggish rebellious feel to it which perfectly fits the theme of the song.

The track is about standing up to the true word and not go with the flow. Most people today are following riches and fame, they only go to church so as to become rich. That's why prosperity gospel is so popular. On this track the artists are saying

  "they will stand out like a sore thumb, never fitting, a misfit till its all done"

How many of us are willing to stand up and speak out when our various Churches or Pastors are deviating from the teachings of the Bible???? To make matters worse some don't even know the Bible except from the verses that are mentioned in songs!!!!!

The track is quite direct (Well the Gospel/Bible is direct), and for those who go to Church for personal riches will definitely hate this song, some will say the artists are acting righteous!!! No-one is righteous but that does not mean we them must not correct the other when they are going on the wrong path. The song serves as a reality check to all those who claim to be believers.

Listen and Download The track.


The track is quite ground breaking, with many questionable Gospel songs and questionable Christian lifestyles we witness day in day out its great to know that there are others who are willing to be Misfits so as to uphold the teachings of the Bible.



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