The Best Albums from Zimbabwe Part 1

Zimbabwe is a beautiful country with an amazing array of talent. Despite not being largely celebrated on the Continental or International scene Zimbabwe is rich in music and arts. From the  colonial rule era to this current day we  have witnessed many genres of music, some borrowed, some original and some which is a mixture.

This article is for all those who are interested in Zim music, those who want to taste the sweet sound originating from this amazing country. The following albums are some of the best albums and songs my ears have listened to. The albums are in no specific order:

  • Chiwoniso Maraire : Ancient Voices
Released in 1998, Ancient Voices was Sister Chi's Debut album. The album was nominated for the Best Female Vocals for Africa at the Kora All Africa Music Awards in 1999 and she was honored by Radio France for the Album. This album is a masterpiece, frankly there are really no words to express how amazing this album is. The album was used as a soundtrack to the classic film Everyone's Child. The album contains 10 tracks namely : Nhemausasa, Wandirasa, Ancient Voices, Madame 20c, Everyone's Child, Tamari, Mai, Look To The Spirits, Ivayi Nesu & The Way of Life.

After 18 yrs, the album still sounds fresh and enchanting as the day it was released. The songs still receive a lot of airplay on all radio stations, and are still much loved by the many Zimbos. Even the new generation that were born after its release are fans. This is a great example of a Perfect album.

  • Oliver Mtukudzi : Paivepo
Released on the 13th of June 2000. Tuku has many great albums, but this is the album that wowed me the most. Had an uncle who loved Tuku and when this album was released, every-time we went for a drive he only played Paivepo, and we went for many many drives. Was still young then but I enjoyed, now 15 yrs later, l still love the album and l always have it in my phone. The Album consist of 10 Tracks namely: Pindurai Mambo, Kunze Kwadoka, Ndagarwa Nhaka, Mutserendende, Iwe Mari, Sandi Bonde, Ngoma Nehosho, Ndine Mubvunzo, Mukuru Mukuru & Chiri Nani.

For me this is the album that made me accept that Tuku is a Legend!! At most of his shows he plays at least one or two tracks from this album, despite having over 60 albums (400+ songs) to his name. It just shows you how Good and iconic this album is.

  • Afrika Revenge : Qaya Music
Released in 2004, this album challenged and changed the notion people have of Afro Jazz in Zimbabwe. This album caused major damage around every radio station, on TV and at all entertainment spots countrywide. The group became a part of every festival from HIFA to Winter Jazz Festival. Their Song Wanga was like the National Anthem, everyone from the young to the elderly danced and sang along to the track. Most of the songs were sung in Ndebele but that did not stop people from singing along. The album consisted of 9 songs namely: Memo, Anochengeta (The Lord is Our Keeper), Wanga (But I..), #4, Ulithemba Lami (My Everything), Shiyana Nami (Leave Me Alone), Buwe Buwe (Poisonous Spider), Mhoro (Hello) Maweni (Wilderness).

This album still remains a benchmark for Afro jazz albums in the country. The group is said to be back in the studio working on another album, we keep our fingers crossed.

  • Thomas Mapfumo : Spirits to Bite Our Ears - The Singles Collection 1977-1986

This Legendary Musician has a long list of hits, possibly the most hit songs by any Zim Musician, so the majority  of his compilations can pass for this list. Mukanya was instrumental in motivating the soldiers during the Liberation War. After Independence he also continued to keep the masses dancing and 35 years later we still dancing to this Chimurenga Guru. Growing up my father used to blast Mukanya on his speakers daily, for us the kids it was torment. Gave Mukanya the chance when l was grown and yaaaaa realised why my dad used to play him on full blast everyday. This Singles Collection consists of 17 Tracks namely: Tombi Wachena, Ngoma Yekwedu, Zeve Zeve, Nyamutamba Nemombe, Madiro, Tongosienda, Pidigori, Ruva Rangu, Pemberai, Pachinyakare, Kuyaura, Taireva, Dangurangu, Makandiwa, Haruna, Madhebhura & Joyce.

Nicknamed the Lion Of Zimbabwe and he is arguably the greatest ever artist to emerge from Zimbabwe.

  •  Shingisai Suluma : Tatenda Taona 
Released in 2005, the album inspired many people including the President himself. The song Nanhasi is just the perfect daily prayer for anyone. This album won the Best Gospel album of the Year. This album elevated Mai Suluma from being a regular gospel singer to Legendary gospel singer. The album is uplifting and just purely amazing. The Album consists of 11 tracks namely: Nanhasi, Tatenda Taona, Zvaachakuiitira, Toda, Ndopaanouya, Jesus, Mai Vangu Baba Vangu, Stronger Now, Aneni, Mhanya & Zvaachakuiitira (Instrumental).

This album changed the gospel scene from the traditional/sungura influenced songs to more contemporary modern gospel we hear today.

These five albums can serve as a starter to anyone who wishes to listen to Zim music. There are still many many more great albums but for today these 5 will do. Music Tastes may differ but regardless of that, many will agree that the above mentioned albums are truly amazing.

Will give you another 5 great albums in the coming future...keep reading.



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