Top 5 Tracks - Afrika Revenge

The local jazz genre has hosted a number of legends but none ever made a big splash like what Afrika Revenge did when they released their Qaya Musik album. The album caused a lot of commotion and proved that Jazz music can perform on the charts as better as any other genre. The group/duo split up afterwards breaking the hearts  of many (mine included). Looking back now you cannot blame them for the breakup, creating such a flawless project at the young ages they were was inevitably going to mess with their heads. The album was so good that now more than 15 years later rumours about the group coming back together creates a lot of buzz.

On this episode of Top 5 will focusing on the trailblazing band Afrika Revenge. Luckily for me they have a very short discography, all their superb tracks are contained in one album; Qaya Musik. Have listened to the album religiously over the years and can sing along to all the tracks and can even sing the instrumentals. Choosing a top 5 was hard because I love all the tracks on the album, but as usual I had to pick my best 5 and here is how it went.

5. Buwe Buwe, Chipikiri & Amehlo Ake
Could not separate these three nomatter how much I tried so just picked all 3 of them. They are different in their arrangements but they are all fantastic tracks. They all take my number 5 spot.

4. Mhoro
This is a beautiful love jam, love the vibe pf the track, the production is also well done, the vocals are also on point. I can listen to this track over and over again.

3. Anochengeta
Everytime I listen to this powerful track it feels like a new song. Its one of those tracks that always make me feel grateful of all things the Lord has done for me and for the fact that I'm alive. Its a beautiful and powerful track.

2. Wanga
This is the track that caused the most commotion when the album was released. The vocals, the subject matter and thooose guitar progressions yuwiii, you just cannot resist. Its a superb track and one of those that instantly turned into a classic.

1. Memo
I fell in love with this track the very first day I listened to it. Its just a beautiful track, the vocals and guitarwork are superb, ohh and the drumwork is also superb. I cannot get enough of this track, i can listen to it all day, all week it does not get boring for me. Its undoubtedly my favorite track from Afrika Revenge.

So ya those are my top 5 tracks from Afrika Revenge. Hopefully the guys really do make up and reunite, we all need some afro fusion goodness in our lives. Before we conclude I have to share my honorable mention:

Shiyana Nami

So I know a lot of you have listened to Afrika Revenge so feel free to share your top 5 from them in the  comments section below.


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