15 Beautiful Long Distance Relationship Tracks from Zim

Love relationships are always a lot of work and if there happens to be some considerable distance between the two of you it’s even harder to keep the relationship afloat. Not all long distance relationships fail but most do, much is required from each partner to keep the relationship going. With the Corona pandemic forcing the country and world into lockdown this has undoubtedly affected those who had made plans to see each other.
I’m not a love doctor who is going to try and give advice on how to do long distance relationships but what I can do is to help you with music that can help you in the situation you are in. Music sometimes goes deeper that what works can do, music does not only convey a message as in the lyrics but it can also convey a feeling, something which is hard to express in words. So today have gone through a lot of music genres in Zim and will share with you 20 tracks that can help you convey the message and feeling you want to convey to your partner. Hopefully these tracks will help keep the spark in your relationship

1.Alexio Kawara & The Shades of Black - Chihwande Hwande
This is one of my favourite all-time love tracks from Zim, it’s just beautiful to listen, so smooth and lovely. It’s about missing your partner dearly to the point whereby you cannot help it but just leave all you doing and go to where they are.

2. MC Villa – Unodzoka Here
A classic of the Urban Grooves era, it talks about that situation in a long distance relationship whereby you are wondering whether your partner is coming back to you, you will be looking for reassurance that he/she will be back.

3. Prince Mafukidze – Handirare (Missing You)
A lovely jam from Prince Mafukidze which talks about missing your partner to the extent that you cannot even sleep, yes its cheesy but if you have ever missed someone in your life you will understand what he is singing about.

4. Dino Mudondo – Ndichakumirira
One of the things you love to hear your partner say when you are going far is that they will wait for you for as long as it takes. This track talks about that in a beautiful way.

5. Roki – Chidzoka
A very beloved classic by many, this track had people going crazy on the dancefloor. It also has many missing their lost love that had went away. Some may feel this track does not fit this list but I disagree, the lyrics fit the description well.

6. Trinity – Wadiwa
One of my fav classics from the Urban Grooves era. This track is for those couples who had to be apart because one had to go to work, this is a scenario which many can relate to given especially today. On the track the guy would be updating his other half of his life working and the progress he is making and is promising to come back once he meets his targets. Those ladies whose boyfriends were planning to come pay lobola this lockdown period can definitely relate to this track.

7. Transit Crew – Tsamba
This is a lovely jam from the most iconic roots reggae band in Zimbabwe. On this track one partner is asking the other why they have not responded to the letter that was sent to them. It’s one track that is perfect for that relationship whereby the communication is no longer as it used to be and you wondering where you stand with your partner.

8. Leonard Dembo & The Barura Express – Sharai
The Godfather of Sungura blessed us with this superb love jam which gives hope to all those who are in long distance relationships and do not know where their relationship stands. On this track a guy receives a letter from his partner and is happy to know that she is still thinking about him. He then gets into a celebratory mood whilst narrating how much he misses his partner.

9. Leonard Dembo & The Barura Express – Zii Zii
Dembo also blessed us with this beautiful love jam in which he is asking his partner why she has been so quiet. He is asking her to talk to him so he would know where they stand. Those who are in the dark as to how their relationship status (dating or single) can relate too this track.

10. System Tazvida & Chazesesa Challengers -  Wangu Ndaswera Ndisina Kumbomuona
Love this jam from System Tazvida. When you are in love spending a long time without seeing your partner will drive you crazy, nothing will make sense and you just yearn for their kiss, their touch and companion. This track talks about that in a superb way.

11. Mbeu & The Mhodzi Tribe – Nhaurirano
When the lockdown was announced many had made plans with their partners about the trips they wanted to go to, the places they wanted and all that was put on hold. This lovely track talks about that.

12. Willom Tight – Ndiri Pano
This is also among my all-time favourite love jams from Zim. Its beautifully talks about reassuring your partner that I’ll be here for you when you return. This is just a beautiful track, go search for it on YouTube and be blown away.

13. Seh Calaz – Ndakusuwa (feat Jah Prayzah)
This is a track that you can sing along to when you miss your partner dearly, you just think about them all day and can’t wait to be with them. Love the vocals on this track, its lovely.

14. Ammara Brown & Jah Prayzah -  Kure Kure
One of Ammara’s finest projects, she teamed up with Jah Prayzah on this lovely jam. You can send this jam to your partner who is far away from you at the moment and you can sing together when you do that video call.

15. Tongai Moyo & Utakaaka Express – Ndinotenda Dhiya
Closing the list is this superb jam from the iconic Dhewa. On the track he is thanking his love for the letter that she sent to him, the letter came at time when he was feeling low and it lifted up his spirit. It’s a track that shows how knowing your partner is thinking about you gives you energy. He ends the track saying wait for me my love, we will be together soon.

So ya those are the 15 tracks that I have carefully curated for all of you who are in long distance relationships. Hope you found a few tracks that will help you reignite that spark in your relationship.

Feel free to share with other long distance relationship track from the local front that I have omitted in the comments section below.


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