Classic Zim Love Songs (Valentines Special)

As we draw closer to valentines I just thought of giving you a special article for that day of love. Will be sharing with you some classic, iconic and superb love songs from the local scene that you can use as your soundtrack on the day. Hope you will find a perfect song for that special day.

1. Pied Pipers - Ruva Rangu
This is one classic track that will get you appreciating your partner to levels you have never reached. The Jazzy structure make this a perfect track to do that slow dance with your partner. 

2. Somerai - Mudiwa Wangu
This is one of the most sampled tracks in urban music and it does deserve to be sampled as much. The feel of this track is on point and is a perfect song to sing for your lady, its playful and super awesome. 

3. Calvin & Muzi - Tombofara
This is another timeless love jam, and its a song I wouldn't mind walking down the aisle to, its that awesome. The passion in this song is on point, it just makes you fall in love more. 

4. Oliver Mtukudzi - Svovi Yangu
This is one of those timeless classics that nearly every Zimbo can sing along to. The song is getting more attention currently as many artists are sampling it in their songs and you can Karaoke the track on the special day of love.

5. Blush - Moyo feat Shaydingz
This guys pains me a lot, he could have been a superstar RnB artist but he just disappeared. This is one song that showcases his immense talent. On this track he is saying I'm going to give you my heart and I trust you will cherish it and not hurt me. 

6. Plaxedes Wenyika - Tisaparadzane
This is the track that made Plaxedes the queen of ballad music, it's one of those lovely track that will get you singing along every-time. Its infectious and amazing.

7. Trinity - Jesa
Could have picked many tracks from the Ini Iye Naye album (Rudo, Usatye, Wadiwa...) but will settle for Jesa. This is one of those tracks that proved the urban artists can also make classics, it made sooooooooooo well and its one of those track you can never get tired of. It a beautiful tale of love and how it can conquer everything. 

8. Joseph Garakara & Mbama Express - Idya Banana
He may have been a one hit wonder but he did leave a mark in 2011 when he dropped this track. Sungura may be overlooked by the more urban Zimbos but sometimes a track breaks that gap and this is one such track. This will be a perfect track if your spending your valentines with that amazing lady that you have asked out and cannot wait till she accepts your proposal.

9. Otis Ngwabi - Ndiwe
The urban grooves movement unleashed some amazing talents and classics. Ottis Ngwabi is one such artists, he serenaded many Zimbos with this track. Telling your partner that it's you who I love, you are my love. 

10. Skhu - Owami
A super lovely jam from Skhu and partner in crime PoZee. It was a favourite of many when it was released and up to this day it still sounds very good. On this track Skhu is saying you're my love, uri wangu mudiwa. 

11. Prince Tendai - Character
This is an amazing jam, falling for someone is not only about the looks but the person inside is equally of not more important. Looks fade but character remains so if you find someone with the character you love do hold on to them. 

12. Thornhill Boys - Usacheme
This song drove me crazy, I just could not help it but sing along to this track. Its a superb love song which will melt any lady.

13. Mateo - Pamuhacha
Uhm uhmmm talk about classics you can sing along to all day long. Such songs never get old...if you and your partner are going for a Karaoke later on Valentines do sing this song, its magical.

14. Willom Tight - Ndiri Pano
One of my all time favourite love songs from Zimbabwe. The track just does things to me I cannot explain. Its a song that is perfect for those couple that for reasons such as work are not staying together, so you will be reassuring your partner that I will wait for you till you return. 

15. Alexio & Tererai - Tinodanana
Such a list cannot be complete without this song. Its a record-breaker and timeless classic. This song signified the beginning of award dominance for urban music. I remember celebrating when the track won the Song on the year and the National Arts Merit Awards in 2006 despite being pitted against giants in the music industry. The track is amazing and more than 10 years after its release it's still sounding like a new track, MacDee did an amazing job on the production, he also won producer of the year that year. 

So ya those are the fifteen tracks I have selected to share with you and help you come up with a perfect soundtrack for your valentines.

Feel free to comment with other classic love jams you feel should have been included on this article.


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