Album Review: Minister Michael Mahendere & Direct Worship - Getting Personal With God 3

Minister Michael Mahendere comes from a musically gifted family which is know by every Zimbabwean. When he released his last album, the superb Getting Personal With God 2 he stepped out of the shadow of his brothers and carved a name for himself in the gospel circles. Currently he is among the most known, most successful and most loved gospel artists in the country. 

He released the follow up album Getting Personal With God 3 last year and today will be sharing with you my thoughts and views on the album. It's a late review but regardless I just felt I needed to share this album with many other Zimbos out there. 

Like the title implies, this album specializes on strengthening one's bond with the Lord. Its an album that pushes the listener to seek the Lord and work to create a stronger relationship with him. It in a way captures the feeling of the last album, whether if its better than its predecessor that we'll see at the end of the review.

The album contains 10 tracks and will be doing the usual track by track review:

1. Makomborero
This first track on the album will bring a smile on your face, the track is talking about realizing the blessings and acts of favour that are all around you and how they are more compared to your failures. At certain times one needs to take a step back to notice all that the Lord has done for you, from the stuff you overlook like your health, the joy in your life and family and get to appreciate the Lord. The production is done very well, love the guitar work. 

2. Masimba feat (Vimbai Mahendere)
This track borrows from a popular hymn that many will easily comprehend and sing along to. The track is about telling Jehovah that you put your trust in him and all the power is his. The production is done quite good. 

3. My Witness
This is lovely informative track, it talks about how the Holy Spirit intercedes for you and gives you strength in times of weakness. It's the Holy Spirit which testifies that you're indeed a child of God, it knows the inner person so only the Holy Spirit can help distinguish between a child of God and one who is not. The production is done very well, and Minister Michael delivered a strong performance. 

4. Ovecomer
The Lord has give us the power to overcome circumstances, he has made us a conqueror through his love. This track is a celebration of that, power and favour that has been awarded to us. The productions is done well and Minister Mahendere delivered a solid performance.

5. Salt Of The Earth
This was the first track I heard of from the album. Its based on Matthew 5 v 13, which says "You are the salt of the earth...". As a Christian one must realize their worth, adjust their mindset accordingly and act accordingly. The production is done well, its uplifting and will get you singing along. 

6. Chiiko (feat Loyiso Bala)
Minister Mahendere engaged the services of the South African artists Loyiso Bala on this jam. The track is based on Romans 8v35-39 which say that nothing can separate us from the love of God. The production is done quite well and both artists delivered good performances.

7. Mwari Baba
They went for a contemporary structure and feel on this track. Its a feel good worship track, whereby you are just telling Lord that he is holy and beautiful. Min Mahendere again made use of a popular chorus and it makes the song familiar and easy to sing a long to, the closing part was a nice touch. The vocals are done well and the production is also done quite well. 

8. Ndizadzei
There is a magical feeling to this song mainly because of lovely the keyboard work, overall production is done well. When one desires to be closer to God, when you desire to understand the hidden stuff of the kingdom you give yourself unto the Lord so he can fill you with his holy spirit. Minister Michael sounded a bit different on this track but regardless he quite a good job, the backing vocalists are on point though.

9. Ancient Of Days
This track is about giving all the praise unto the Lord Jesus Christ, the God who is always with us; Emmanuel, unconquerable and king of kings. The production is done well, the vocals are also done very well but for some reason the track does not really get you deep in worship like tracks such as Hallelujah or Nyengetera from his last album. 

10. Worship Medley
This is a combination of all the worship tracks on the album, they are combined into one song, its very lovely to sing along to or listen to but it somehow does not hit the sweet spot and leave me deep in prayer and crying like what Nyengetera did. 

Buy the album: GPWG3 on iTunes
Stream the album : GPWG3 on Spotify

So ya that's it for this album, the album does not have the magic and allure of the last album bit its a commendable effort from Minister Mahendere. The themes stay true to the theme of the album and do a great job in motivating one into creating a better relationship with the Lord. The vocal performance is done well.

The production is done quite well but the overall feel of the album especially the worship songs could have been much better. The tracks do not get me deep into a prayerful mood like the similar worship tracks on the last album do, just go and listen to Nyengetera to understand this more. The uptempo tracks are much better and have a more relate-able feel to them, Makomborero (my favourite track on the album) utilizes this gospel sungura arrangement and vibe which proven and tested and will probably perform much better on the charts because of that.

In conclusion this is an album you can listen to and enjoy but in overall it failed to reach the levels I expected. Following up on a super solid project like Getting Personal With God 2 is always a daunting task and Minister Michael tried his best but this album falls some way behind. Good thing is that tracks from his last album are still as fresh and loved so Minister Michael will remain among the top gospel artists. 
My overall rating. A, B,C, Poor

What are your thoughts and views on this album???


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