Track Review: Jazz Prosper - Pidigu

How I love coming across some new beautiful local music especially from those artists no-one is making noise about. There are a lot of immensely talented but not yet popular artists all over the nation, it just takes one to set aside some time and patience to explore and listen. 

Came to know about Jazz Prosper from his collaboration with Reverb 7 on the track Kabhebhi Bho. The track is quite lovely and I enjoy listening to it, Jazz's performance on the track is nice but not noteworthy. Therefore after that track, I knew of his existence but was not necessarily keeping an eye on his every move and that has all changed with this new jam.

Was reluctant to listen to the track but it just popped on my timeline and decided to take a listen. From the onset I realized the track was not what I feared (afro pop, hip hop..etc), but more to the side I did not expect. Jazz Prosper teamed up with the legendary Monomukundu and crooner Dereck Mpofu for the production of this track and that was a smart move from the artist. The track is unmistakably African, love the arrangement of the instrumentals and vocals. I'm a sucker for good guitar work and this track has loads of lovely guitar work, the bass guitar does a great job offering a solid support to the track. On top of that the track consists of some good drum-work, keyboard work. The production is overall is done very well, great work by Mono & Dereck.

This is a sad love story, its about waiting for that love of your life who has left you. You keep waiting for them to return, for they left with your heart and all you can do is wait and hope that they return. The person came into your life and turned it around then he/she vanishes leaving you with a big void in your life. 

On the vocals that is where you will hear the Dereck Mpofu's touch, the way the lyrics are structured and the actual lyrics themselves are in a number of ways similar to how Dereck Mpofu structures his lyrics. Jazz Prosper delivered a good vocal performance which compliments the instrumental well. The best part however is the chorus, its tidy, well sung and gives the song this lovely feel that just serenades you .

In overall this is a track I can listen to any day, its smooth and lovely. The production is done very well and the vocals are well structured. Since Bryan K departed from the afro soul/jazz sound there has been a sort of gap in my playlist and this track will help fill that gap. I'm not sure if this is the path/sound Jazz Prosper is about to adopt but I just hope he gives us a couple more tracks like this one. Music such as this does not break the charts but remains in the hearts of fans for long.

What are your thoughts on the track???


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