Track Review: Ammara Brown - Akiliz
Ammara is is perfectly poised to be Zimbabwe's Pop Queen, she has the appeal, image, looks and name to own that crown, the only thing left are the hit songs. With that said she is now facing the defining moment in her career with her upcoming album, if it's anything above average then she will undoubtedly be the Pop Queen, if not she will become another artist with so much potential. In preparation of her upcoming album which is coming beginning of October she has released the 1st single from that album, have listened to the track and will be sharing my views and thoughts on the track. Ammara does not stick to a certain genre so you never know what her next song will sound like except that it has to be catchy ( that's a given for all pop queens ) and on this track she went for an afro pop sound. DJ Tamuka was in charge of the production and he did quite a good job. The instrumental seems to be inspired by Runtown's Mad Over You especially the first part but DJ Tamu...