Mark Ngwazi & Njanja Express - Chamugwegwedu Chamatindike Album Review

Over the past couple of years Sungura has been making some serious strides despite many still believing the genre is finished. The competition in the genre has reached some insane levels and the quality has greatly improved, once you get a taste of it you will soon find yourself going on a rabbit hole of Sungura goodness 

Among those excelling from the new crop is Mark Ngwazi and his band the Njanja Express. He has over the years won over many listeners and this year he seems to have taken it to new heights. Have been listening to this project for some weeks now and decided to share my thoughts and views on the album with you. 

As usual will be doing a track by track review. 

1 Chamugwegwedu Chamatindike 
The title track is on powerful track on which Mark is asking the Lord for a covering as it seems the turn of bad luck is now upon him, there are many who are plotting and making curses to harm him. The production is well done, the arrangement is spot on both the vocals and instruments. Love the last part where he starts immitating the iconic Leonard Zhakata. Songwriting is done well. 

2 Pasi PemaVeji Pane Nyama
On this track Mark is motivating the masses that success comes after hard work, what one starts as is not how they will end. The songwriting is solid, love the choice of words and overall arrangement of the vocals. The production aaain is done well, this is a solid jam. 

3 Take Take Nemakonzo 
On this track Mark Ngwazi is talking about being careful of the things that we accept that are given to us as they may be harmful but given at the promise of bringing good fortunes to you. Given the stories of mischief in families brought about by greed and jealousy we must be careful of what we take into our lives. The track is well produced, the instrumental arrangement is spot on and Mark delivered his signature performance. 

4 Vatezvara VavaVatezvara
On this track Mark is tackling this new tradition whereby Father in laws are interfering with their daughters marriages, they are now taking the mantle of peacemaker which was traditionally set aside for the aunts. There are some issues that a father in law cannot address especially issues about intimacy. So he is saying they should not do so as both are son in laws somewhere

5 Taurai Madzoka
Mark is on this track urging people to keep sensitive information close to their heart and not share with everyone for they will be some who do not share the same sentiments and wish you bad fortune. This is a culture most Zimbo families do, when there is big plan it is kept close till the plan has been achieved. Production is again done well, arrangement of instruments and vocals is also again done well. 

6 Makwikwi 
On this track Mark is talking about the issue of living a life of competition, putting oneself under unnecessary pressure just because of the next person. 

Stream the album:

So ya that's it for Mark Ngwazi's latest album and I have to say it's a solid album. Mark has proven Sungura is still alive and strong. 

The production is done well. The arrangement of the tracks is well done, instrumental arrangements are done well on all tracks and the vocal arrangements are also spot on. The interaction between the vocals and instrumentals create this nice sound which is quite unique to him. Mark has over the years managed to carve out his own sound and he continued with that sound on this project. On Makwikwi it sounded a bit like a Macheso track, given Macheso changed Sungura it's bound to happen at times. 

On themes Mark tackled a couple of issues, he talked about being careful of the things that are gifted to you in the pretense of giving you good fortunes on Take Take Nemakonzo, on the title track he was crying out unto the Lord for him to to save him from the curse on his family where someone dies after a certain period, he is asking for protection from those who practise witchcraft on the title track. He talked about keeping your plans closer to your heart on Taurai Madzoka, urging people not to trust people with plans and ideas. He talked about those who live a life of unnecessary competition on Makwikwi, and also talked about the issue of father's interfering in their daughters marriages, taking the role of aunts, saying its inappropriate and those fathers forget they are in laws somewhere else on Vatezvara VavaVatezvara . Lastly he talked about how success comes after hard work on Pasi PemaVeji Pane Nyama. Themes are well tackled. 

Vocally Mark was good throughout, he was audible and love his choice of words, he was straight to the point and humourous. Loved his Leonard Zhakata imitation on Chamugwegwedu Chamatindike. 

In conclusion this is a solid project from Mark. Have enjoyed listening to it, Sungura is definitely not dead but actually growing. I highly recommend this album. 

My overall rating: 8.5/10

Feel free to share your thoughts on the album down below. 
Proud Zimbo


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