Diary Page 5 : Music I Listen to When Feeling Down 2

Many a times we get into very stressful periods in our lives, everything seems to be crashing on you, a loved one falling ill, a loved one passing away, failing to get employment, having you employment contract being cancelled...etc and you will need something or somewhere to give you the courage to power on. If I get into such a situation first thing is getting on my knees and pray then after that I turn to music, not just any music, but that which sounds good and uplifting. Music is my go to drug. Today will be giving you 10 tracks that have helped me detox and hopefully they can do the same for you.

The songs don't necessarily need to have a direct uplifting message or sometimes the message may not be as motivating or uplifting but the overall feel and vibe of the track will just help you relax and refresh. So lets get to the ten songs I will be sharing with you today.

1. Afrika Revenge - Shiyana Nami
This is taken from the super awesome Qaya music album. This track has this lovely feel to it which just serenades you. Its perfect for those moments whereby your stress is caused buy a person, a heartbreak more specifically. 

2. Tamy - Sango
A lovely and powerful track taken from Tamy's debut album The 18th Rollercoaster. This track is well sung and produced, the arrangement is on point. It a track that will give you strength when you feel like giving up, when it seems all you try to do is failing. It encourages one to overcome failure and keep on moving.

3. Victor Kunonga - Kushanda
This lovely jam comes from Victors superb Kwedu album. The production is just sublime, the instrumentation is spot on, love the guitar work. The track is about working and one may interpret it as a song that speaks against being lazy so it can give you that extra kick that you need.

4. Alexio Kawara - Paunoda
This track is taken from the very lovely Tose Album. It's well produced, on a reggae tip and is sounding very good. Its a love song, Lex was lovely on the vocals and will offer a great escape soundtrack into your life. If you just want to relax and refresh this is the perfect track for you.

5. Edin Hama - Asila Mali
With January forcing people to stay indoors on the weekends and free times, this is the song to play. When you're broke overthinking about it will only lead to unnecessary stress which can cause high blood pressure and other related illnesses so one needs to lighten up on the situation and give your mind some time to be innovative with less pressure. The track is superbly produced, its bouncy and will offer you a refreshing couple of minutes.

6. Celscius - Chiyedza
This is one classic jam from the Norton based artist. The production is solid but it's the vocals that take the crown. The track is motivating and uplifting, it talks about the benefits of proper planning and hard work. If you want to live a certain way you have to be ready to put in the required effort.

7. Mai Shingisai Suluma & Joystreet Choir - Mirira Manganwani
This is one perfect song for those moments when you have lost all hope of a breakthrough. The message and feel of this track is specifically made for such a situation. The track is well made and produced, it's one of those tracks you can  listen to over and over again

8. Don Gumbo - Love Joy & Happiness
This is one classic and uplifting song, it speaks to the inner you and offers hope. The productions is fantastic and the song is still sounding very good even after more than 20 years since it was released. When your feeling low, songs like this one will uplift your soul.

9. Lovemore Majaivana - Yingwebani
When I mention music that will transport you to another work, this is one such song. The overall feel of this track is just awesome and is guaranteed to get you dancing. Lovemore Majaivana is a legend and you don't get to be awarded such a title if you cannot make music that moves people.

10. Alick Macheso - Pakutema Munda
This is a song that talks about betrayal sow whenever you have been betrayed by someone. On this track Macheso is talking about those people who always want to take all the credit for something you all worked on together, those people who have a hard time sticking to the truth. On top of the deep message this track is also well produced and sounds very lovely.

So those are the tracks I prepared for you this episode. Hope you get a couple of songs that will help you out of a situation that you are in. Music unlike a person can sometimes convey messages much better and hope those tracks deliver the message you needed to fight and move on.

Feel free to comment with other tracks that you listen to when your feeling down or low.


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