Track Review: Reverb 7 & Simba Tagz - Tamirira

Reverb 7 is having a superb 2016, with tracks such as Heavy Machine, Huya, Million, and Beautiful Faces are getting a lot of love from Zimbabweans all over. Zim House is slowly but surely making a stand for itself with guys like Reverb 7, St Emmo, Squash, Dj Stavo, Skaiva...etc. Personally am a big house fan so i'm keeping an eye on all the developments regardless of the size.

So enough of the history, how did the Showtime duo fare on Pindirai??

Both these guys are established producers and I believe they both had a hand in the production with Reverb 7 having the larger job, house music is his home turf. The instrumental is sounding good. Its standard. The layout or structure reminds me of South Africa's superstar Heavy K's tracks. The production is on point though, every instrument is sounding as it should and its balanced. Great work.

Zimbabwe is predominantly christian or religious and because of that a lot of music be it, jazz, sungura, dancehall have gospel themed messages and this track followed suit from the house side of music. The track is about asking God to intervene in one's life, waiting for his divine intervention. With the situation in the nation right now the majority of us are in need of some divine intervention and as a country we are waiting, takamirira kuona the hand of God at work in our nation. On point.

Tagz was in charge of the vocals and he did a fantastic job. He managed to complement the instrumental very well. The lyrics are easy to comprehend, sing along to and at the same time are deep and thoughtful. Love the whole combination.

Download the track: Tamirira (Zippyshare)

In conclusion this is a solid track  and you can get addicted to this jam before your realize it!! am loving it. Reverb has made a good reputation for himself and because of that this track will get airplay on all the urban radio stations.

What are your thoughts on the track??


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