Best Albums from Zimbabwe Part 4: Sungura Edition.

Until a couple of years back sungura was the biggest genre in Zimbabwe. Over the years a lot of brilliant sungura albums have been released and today will be giving you 5 awesome albums from the dethroned genre.

This does not mean that the 5 albums mentioned are the best 5, they are however among the best. Cannot cover all the albums at once so will just be giving you 5 at a time.

So without much talking lets get down to it:
  • Leonard Dembo - Chitekete EP

This album is just superb. Growing up was not much of a Dembo fan but as a grew older I started appreciating his music and realized why many regard him as finest ever musician. The title track Chitekete is one timeless classic, loved by people of all generations. It is regarded as the best ever single to be made in Zim, it was so big that it was played at the Miss World finals in 1996, the only Zim song to achieve such a feat. Also the album sold over 100 000 copies in its first three months. The EP contains 5 fantastic tracks namely, Chitekete, Sarura Wako, Chinyemu, Tamba Yako Nditambe Yangu & Ndozvireva Kunaani?. Dembo is the godfather of Sungura and listening to this album one will understand why he is so much celebrated.
Buy The Album : Chitekete EP (iTunes)

  • Simon Chopper Chimbetu - 2000 Blend

This albums is a masterpiece. For many this is Chopper's best album to date. It contains 10 fantastic tracks namely; Mudzimai Wangu, Newspaper, Africa Inaliya, Mwana Wedangwe, One Way, Rudo Ibofu, Sekuru Ndipeiwo Zano, Southern Africa, Spare Wheel & Kunjere Kunjere . This album was Chopper best selling to date, it sold over 150 000 copies, it was the highest selling album that year only rivaled by Baba Charamba's Vhuserere which was the other album which managed to beat the 100 000 mark. The track from this album have stood the test of time and drop them at any gathering today, 15 yrs after it was released and the crowd will go crazy.
Buy your Copy at : 2000 Blend (eZOMGIDO)

  • Alick Macheso - Simbaradzo

This is Zimbabwe's highest ever selling album with over 300 000 copies sold, some sites state it sold over 500 000 (the lack of a solid archives recording site lets the industry down). Despite that this album is just brilliant. It consists of 8 superb tracks namely; Amai Varubhi, Petunia, Kunyarara Zvavo, Nguva, Kusekana Kwana Kamba, Mundikumbuke, Sarah & Tariro. Macheso went on to become a legend in the industry and released other fantastic albums such as Zvido Zvenyu Kunyanya, but Simbaradzo remains his best ever album. the songs have stood the test of time and even after more than 16 years they remain a staple at his live shows. 

  • Tongai Moyo - Naye

Dhewa was a talented artist, but regardless of what he did, Alick Macheso was always a step in front. Macheso always had the better product but in 2006 Dhewa outdid himself, changed the norm and sealed his legacy as a sungura great with a brilliant album titled Naye. He finally took the coveted best Sungura Artist Award from Macheso and also the Best album of the year. The album is a masterpiece and even Macheso fans acknowledged its brilliance. Naye contained 6 tracks namely; Nemumvura Mese, Gandaremvura, Handidi Navo, Muchina Muhombe, Kapuka Kanonzi Rudo & Mweya WaMwari. Even till this day, 10 yrs after its release the album still goes in hard.
Buy The Album : Naye (iTunes)

  • Leonard Zhakata - Maruva Enyika

Opportunity comes in different form and when Simon Chimbetu was imprisoned in 1993, Leornard Karikoga took the opportunity of the gap left by Chopper and released a stunner of an album. Maruva Enyika sold over 180 000 copies and Zhakata became the youngest artist to sell over 100 000 copies, a record which he still hold to this day. He established himself at probably the best lyricist to emerge from Zim. His music is so pregnant with meaning, one will need many listens to fully understand and grasp the meaning of the tracks. It contained 4 supercharged tracks namely; Mugove, Mwenza, Maruva Enyika & Ndinyareiwo. The album was too politically charged that it was banned from being played on local radio stations. Regardless of that it definitely one album every Zimbo must listen to in their lifetime.

So these 5 albums were all taken from your responses. I know there are many other fantastic sungura albums, feel free to mention some of your favourites in the comment section below and will definitely consider them in the next sungura edition.



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