Best Albums from Zimbabwe Part 4: Sungura Edition.

Until a couple of years back sungura was the biggest genre in Zimbabwe. Over the years a lot of brilliant sungura albums have been released and today will be giving you 5 awesome albums from the dethroned genre. This does not mean that the 5 albums mentioned are the best 5, they are however among the best. Cannot cover all the albums at once so will just be giving you 5 at a time. So without much talking lets get down to it: Leonard Dembo - Chitekete EP This album is just superb. Growing up was not much of a Dembo fan but as a grew older I started appreciating his music and realized why many regard him as finest ever musician. The title track Chitekete is one timeless classic, loved by people of all generations. It is regarded as the best ever single to be made in Zim, it was so big that it was played at the Miss World finals in 1996, the only Zim song to achieve such a feat. Also the album sold over 100 000 copies in its first three months. The EP contains 5 fa...