Tindo Ngwazi & Adequate Sounds - Bhedhegubhe Album Review

The Sungura genre has gotten its competitiveness back, its now again a seriously contested genre and you have to push yourself to the maximum if you want a chance at being recognised. The fans are ready for the music, the platforms are waiting for the music, it's now up to e artists to deliver. For the past two years the most played song nationwide has been a Sungura tracks, Taurai Madzoka then Kujatajata. This year will the genre repeat the feat 

Tindo Ngwazi is one such artist who is hard at work making a name for himself in the genre. Over the years he has been steadily making his mark, loved his track Judgement, its the track that made me a fan. Big question is how will he fare in a year where some big names such as Alick Macheso, Mark Ngwazi, Simon Mutambi will be releasing so can Tindo prove he deserve his seat at the big boys table.

The album has been out for some time and have been listening to it and now will be sharing my thoughts on the album.

1. My Love (ft Mark Ngwazi)

The Ngwazi brothers team up on the first track of the album. On this track they are advising others on the correct way to live your partner, no violence or other forms of abuse. Learn about your partner before committing rather than after. The vocals are well done, the brothers do compliment each other well. 

2. Eria naErisha

On this track Adante is talking about legacy, heritage and generational wealth. Elijah left Elisha his jacket when he was been taken away, a jacket which was well known and would make many respect and listen to him, so he is asking parents and partners what they will leave behind their loved ones once they are gone. Track is well produced, love the arrangement of the instrumental. That solo part reminds of Thomas Mapfumo's Ndadhakwa Nehwahwa song. The vocals are on point. 

3. Bhedhegubhe

On the title track Tindo is urging others to remain strong in the Lord despite the many challengea as there people who are working overtime to make your life miserable. We should put as much effort onto things of the Lord as we do things that give us pleasure. 

4. Ndavanzwa Vachibheja

Tindo is talking about the uncertainty of life on this track. The years will continue to move regardless of you reaching a specific time or not. You can create life goals and pray you achieve all of them but sometimes it may not happen like that. The track is well produced and arranged. My favourite on the album currently. 

5. Wakaita Nharo

Love the intro of this jam, the instrumentals get you hooked way before the vocals kick in. The overall production is well done. Tindo is talking about those people who ignore sound advice and end up in trouble. The overall arrangement of the track is solid, the guitar work is good, the vocals are solid. 

6. Wagara Wakazvironga

As the title implies this track talks about someone who tries to make a certain action feel as if it was planned at that moment but its something most can see was already in plan for some time. The production is well done, the arrangement is also quite nice.

Stream The Album: Bhedhegubhe Album Mix on YouTube

So ya that's it for Bhedhegubhe and its a commendable project.

Tindo engaged the services of legendary producer and sound engineer Bothwell Nyamhondera for this project and the quality speaks for itself. The tracks are all produced well, that is not in doubt when working with such a producer. The arrangement are however a different thing as they are from the artist and Tindo did quite a respectable job on that department. Not all the tracks are equal though, Ndavaona Vachibheja is head above  all e others, the tracks flows very well, the vocals and instrumentals all compliment each other superbly. Eria naErisha & Wakaita Nharo come close both on second and third,  the into for Wakaita Nharo is the best on the project, it has that Dhewa vibe which I love. The other tracks My Love, Bhedhegubhe and Wakagara Wakazvironga are also quite okay but not at the same level as those I mentioned before.

Vocally Tindo was good, and the themes he tackled were well done.

To conclude this is a respectable project from Tindo Ngwazi. Tracks such as Ndavaona Vachibheja show Tindo has it in him to be among the top artists in the genre, but the project as a whole is not of the same level. He still needs to push but he is moving in the right direction. If you're looking for some Sungura tracks to add to your playlist I suggest you add Ndavaona Vachibheja if you still need more add; Eria NaErisha and Wakaita Nharo. If you still need more you select among the other three. The standard for Sungura remains Chamugwegwedu Chamatindike by Tindo's older brother Mark Ngwazi who will be releasing soon. The race for best Sungura project of 2022 is still up for grabs.

My Overall Rating : 6.5/10

Feel free to share your thoughts on the album in the comments section below. 



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