Tanto Wavie : Sungura Museve Album Review

It's always a good thing to introduce a sound that is unique to you, it's actually every artists dream to stand out and be unique. Over the years Tanto Wavie has been pushing his sungura fused trap music which he termed TrapSu and it has actually garnered some love and respect by music fans.

First got to encounter TrapSu in John Chibadura and enjoyed the song, this year he released John Vilu Gate which he tapped into the System Tazvida sound, also enjoyed that track. He has been perfecting his sound over the yrs and now we get a full album filled with Trap Sungura goodness and also fittingly titled Sungura Museve.

Got my copy of the album and today will be sharing my thoughts and views on the album and TrapSu sound. 

As usual will be doing my track by track review followed by mu overall thoughts on the album.

1. Intro 

On the intro they are saying Tanto is the best, he can go away but come back and dominate. 

2. Sungura Museve

On this title track Tanto is saying am going back to the roots, the timeless sound of the greats. He has created his sound by fusing the classic Sungura attributes with the new skool trap sound. Track is produced well. 

3. Mudhipisi

On this jam Tanto is talking about those people who think too deep about everything, they like to give their opinion on everything and they take the fun out of all things. 

4. 007

Tanto is saying we living a movie life, that life which many dream off like that of James Bond (007). Production is done well, I just can't help imagine how the track would have turned out had he used a real guitar instead of a guitar synthesizer. 

5. Usaperere Pavanhu Ava

This is one catchy track, love how the synth sings along Tanto on the hook. Overall production is on point, arrangement helps in bringing out the emotional vibe required by the track. Tanto is saying don't be stupid in love with these people they will play with your heart. 

6. Dzinga Munyama

Tanto on this track is saying weed chases away bad luck so pass me the weed I want to chase away the evil spirits. Production is again well done. 

7. Mabhachi (ft Denimwoods)

The only track with a feature on the album, and the collaboration works. Denimwoods brought a different flavour to Tanto's and they complement each other well. Production is done well, the album sort of uses a similar template so the tracks sound similar. 

8. Insecurities 

Tanto is saying to his other half I have insecurities whenever I am not close to you, I fear losing you that's why I keep on checking in on you. Production is well done, the arrangement is done well, keeping true to his Trapsu sound. 

9. Mhiripiri Sauce

Tanto is on a self praise tip on this track, saying Trapsu has now taken over and he is is full of sauce. Production is done well

10. Zvese

On this track Tanto is saying I want all the good things, I want that good life and the good stuff that comes with it. 

11. Heart Yangu

Tanto is singing to this girl he gave his heart and she played with it. He now regrets the time and energy he put into the relationship. Production as has been the case throughout this project is done well. 

12. Zvichaenda Nepi

This is one track which I can see even working out on a Sungura arrangement. Love the choice of words and arrangements of the vocals. Tanto is saying where did you think the lies you spread about where gonna reach, what did you think they will do??. He is saying despite all that I will continue forward till you get tired. Production is also done well, the guitar synth was well executed here, its for the most part feels like a real guitar. 

13. Takura

On this track Tanto is talking about the differences between what he hoped life was going to be like when older and the realities of being an adult. 

14. Outro

The outro is Tanto saying he is like Leonard Dembo, a timeless legend. 

Stream the album: Sungura Museve on iTunes

So ya that's it for Sungura Museve by Tanto Wavie and I have to say he did a solid job on the project. He took time to master his sound and he has executed it very well. 

Tanto definitely borrowed the care free manner of the late icon System Tazvida, it's evident throughout the project. Another aspect which he borrowed was this lovely calmness, the music is not rushed or extra hype but has this calmness which makes the tracks easy to listen to. 

Production wise is solid throughout, I usually don't like it when the album feels as if its one long song cut into small tracks but Tanto executed that very well, helped by the fact that this is a new sound it works. The vibe of the album is correct it's on point. You can easily let the album play on on its own without the need to skip certain songs, it's gets you into this mood and locks you in there. The guitar synth was used well but I can't help think how much better it would have been had he used session guitarists. 

Themewise the project is okay, he doesn't really go deep on any topic but he tackled them well. We get some love/relationships tracks, some self praise tracks, some motivation here and there and obviously a song for the haters. 

Vocally Tanto was solid throughout, like previously said, he took a lot from System Tazvida and executed the vocals well. 

In conclusion this is a good project, it's a testament of someone who is confident of their sound. Album has an vibe which I love. Definitely one of the better hip hop projects of 2021 so far.

My Overall Rating : 7/10

Feel free to share your thoughts on the album in the comments section below 



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