Alexio Kawara - Oyi Album Review

When it comes to songwriting Alexio can as well be the best among all the young urban artists in the country since the start of the urban grooves movement era. He has been in the industry for more than 15 years and has delivered countless classics over the years with tracks such as; Chibugubugu, Ndinomhanya, Karwiyo, Shaina, Tinodanana, Musikana Akanaka, Chihwandehwande, Umu, ZvaZvinhu, Nyaya Yerudo..just to mention a few. His last album Tose is one of my favourite albums, have listened to it a looot and can now sing word to word to every song on the album. Have been waiting for a follow up project since then, Tose was released in 2012 so yo can imagine how long a wait it has been.

Finally the new album has been released, he teased us with the beautiful Nehana two years back and left us hanging till now. Alexio is regarded as one of the finest artists we have in the nation despite the fact that he rarely hogs the headlines, his music always speaks for him and that has earned him a legion of loyal fans. Now have managed to get  my hands on the copy of the new album and will today be sharing with you my thoughts and views on the album. Will it be better than his last album? lets dive in a see.

As usual will be doing a track by track review of the album:

1. Chikokoko
Heard this track some years back when Alexio was still doing his KuChina shows every Thursday, enjoyed the track then and still enjoying it now. On this track Alexio is saying he has found a home with his partner, he has finally won her and cherishes it. Chikokoko is taken from the game of Pada which many used to play as kids, one would say Chikoko when they have won a home (box) in which they could do whatever they want and that house made it easier for them as they continued to play the game. The production is on a afro fusion tip and sounds good. The vocals are also well done, the Chikokoko repetition on the chorus may sometimes feel too much but the overall arrangement of the vocals is done quite well.

2. Ishe Jesu Varipo
This is Alexio's "mandatory" gospel track on the project (it seems every non-gospel album these days has at least one gospel song regardless of genre). On this track Alexio is urging people to take time to exalt and honor the Lord rather than just desiring the good things that he blesses us with. He is urging people to create a relationship with the Lord. The track is well produced and Alexio was good on the vocals. This is a track you can expect to find in the gospel charts, it's easy to sing along to and will fit along with many tracks you find in the gospel charts. On this album I however feel the track sort of affects the classy soulful feel that the other tracks have.

3. Kana (The Song)
On this track Lex just lets go, its the longest track on the album and also the track with the best instrumental. I feel this track his response to the long sabbatical he took, he acknowledges that the journey is long and he needed a breather but now he is back. This is the track that will get fans going crazy on the dancefloor, love the production and arrangement of the instruments.The guitarists had fun on this track. The vocals are also well done, Alexio was solid on the lead and the backing vocals were also up to task when called upon. This track had me dancing from the first listen.

4. Mhande
This track talks about tradition and how people lived in the past. It talks about where we are coming from, the things we used to do, how our culture used to be. The track has a relaxed feel, the production is done well, love the arrangement of the instruments. Alexio was good on the vocals, the backing vocals were also on point when asked upon. 

5. Ndozvawakataura (Afro Mix)
This is the same track as the one below but on a more uptempo afro mix tip. The mix sounds good, it delivers a alternate option to the original. As of now I like the original mix slightly more.

6. Ndozvawakataura
This track is about communication in a relationship. Communication is of utmost importance in any relationship and more so for long distance relationship where by you have in certain cases have to wait for your partner to get in touch as you are handicapped in one way or the other. Alexio is questioning his partner that she said she was gonna keep in touch but that has not been the case. The production is done superbly well, love the instrumental arrangements. Alexio was also on point on the vocals and the backing vocals were also up to task when called upon.

7. Oyi
The title track is on a grand sort of arrangement, Alexio makes use of the afro fusion and rock sound that he has been indulging in since the mega success of Shaina. On the title track Alexio is saying this is my gift to you, take this music and enjoy it. 

8. Pane Basa
On this track Alexio is talking about the need for parents to play their roles in raising and nurturing their children.There are now many kids who are lost and end up getting involved in despicable activities due to lack of proper nurturing. This is social call to all adult figures to take part in the raising of our youths and teaching

9. Tiri Two
Alexio has a long string of superb love jams and this track will add to that list. He sings about the strength and comfort that comes from having a partner in life. He say he knew that if they stayed together they could weather any storm. The production is done well, enjoyed the structuring of both the instrumentals and vocals, they complement each other very well. This is a track you can listen to over and over.

10. Unombozviitirei
On this track they went on an Afro House tip and I have to say that was a good decision. The production is well done, love the arrangement, its a track that will get you in a dancing mood soon in no time. The magic however comes from the vocals, Alexio adds his signature soulful touch to the track with his superb vocals, he is on point. The track track addresses infidelity between couples, it talks about that partner that who always says sorry and tries to blame others for their actions. This is a solid way to close out the album.

Stream the album:

So ya that's it for Alexio's latest offering Oyi. Have quite enjoyed listening to the album, had missed Alexio so much and I have to say this is quite a decent offering, after the long wait I cannot complain, hopefully we will not wait that long again before we get another one. The album is good but it does not reach the level of his last two albums, Kana & Tose.

The production is done well, Alexio has this lovely soulful vibe which he does superbly well which its evident all over the album. The instrumental arrangements are well done throughout the album, the tracks are easy on the ear and they easily puts you in a lovely mood. Even on the track Ishe Jesu Varipo which I feel does not match up to the smoothness of the other tracks its still well produced, I feel it would have been better as a standalone track though. The guitar work is well done on nearly all the tracks in which he recorded with his band, with Kana (The Song) being the standout track, he just lets go on the track and I loved it.

In terms on themes Alexio said the album tackles; Love and restoration of humanity (hope & unity)!. I have to say he was true on his statement, he tackled issues about love (relationships) on tracks such as; Chikokoko, Unombozviitirei, Ndozvawakataura & Tiri Two. On the restoration of humanity we have tracks such as Ishe Jesu Varipo, Pane Basa, Mhande. On the last two tracks Oyi and Kana (the song) I feel these were the tracks that he was addressing his long sabbatical from releasing projects

On of the strengths of this album are the vocals, Alexio has some beautiful and strong vocals which add a soulful touch to his music. Take tracks such as Ndozvawakatara (Afro Mix) and Unombozviitirei, the soulfulness of the track was largely brought about by the vocals, their arrangements and range. The backing vocals were also up to par and delivered strong performances whenever called upon.

To conclude this is lovely album which will please all Alexio fans and all those who just love music with a soulful touch. He has set the bar ridiculously high with his past projects and this album despite how lovely it is to listen to is fails to reach the levels of his past two projects. One strength that Alexio has had is the staying power of his music, you can still listen to his music from 10 years back and this album has similar elements meaning you can still listen to tracks from this album years later. I have quite enjoyed this album, its not his best project to date but you can definitely enjoy listening to it. My favorite tracks are: Tiri Two, Ndozvawakataura (both versions), Unombozviitirei, Kana & Chikokoko.

My Overall Rating: 7/10

What are your thoughts on the album???


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