Hope Masike - The Exorcism Of A Spinster Album Review

I have been waiting for this album for more than two years now, if you go back to my "10 Projects I Am Looking Forward To" series that I compile and publish at the beginning of each year you will see Hope Masike has been appearing for some time. I am a huge fan of Hope and I was anxious to see whether she was gonna live up to the Mbira Queen title, of you have been following Zim music, you know being coined the Mbira Queen is a massive position, all those who have been given that title are regarded as musical Legends, it started with Mbuya Stella Chiweshe, then it was passed on the the iconic Sister Chiwoniso Maraire and now the onus is on Hope Masike. 

I have many expectations for this project so when it dropped I immediately jumped onto Spotify and started listening. When it comes to Hope Masike, I love how she pushes herself musically, artistically, she is daring to experiment so you will not really not know what to expect, you just know you're in for an experience. She has been making this project for some time, teasing us here and there as she traveled around the world and finally its here. Have given myself time to listen to the tracks and today will be sharing with you my views and thoughts.

As usual will be doing a track by track review.

1. Gomba
This is a powerful intro to the album, its sets the tone beautifully well. The mbira is a super powerful instrument, it has a soul of its own and can create melodies you cannot find anywhere else. Hope manages to blend her beautiful vocals with her super lovely mbira work in a way that sweeps you away. Love the harp strumming sound added in the latter half of the track. This is a fitting intro, love it. 

2. Idenga
This is the track that was released prior to the release of this album and it came with some interesting visuals in which Hope pushed herself artistically to create some interesting visuals. This track is a testament to how experimental Hope Masike is, its hard to describe this track in one word or nail it to one genre, its a fusion of sounds which sometimes feel disorganized but it gets more and more beautiful each time you listen to the track. Hope is blessed with some beautiful vocals and she serenades us on this track where she is saying when you are with me its bliss, I feel like I am in heaven.  Hope has cultivated a unique image over the years, she does not follow normal trends but moves in her own unique kinda weird way and this track perfectly captures her unique personality.

3. Kune Mumwe
Hope performs as if she is in a trance on this jam, its filled with emotion and energy. She is talking about when woman feels as if she is no longer loved in her marriage, when she is made to feel as if she is old and no longer attractive. Its about that period whereby the husband starts cheating on his wife, disregarding the feelings of his wife, the mother of his kids. Hope is in such a situation on this track and feels its best she lets out her cries unto the Lord or else she will kill this man. The production is superbly done, it brings out the restlessness that such a woman will be feeling. The instruments are arranged well and Hope delivered on the vocals, bringing out the desired emotion. I personally feel the track is too short, would definitely have loved if it went on for another minute or two.   

4. Ndoitasei?
Hope switches to a rhumba inspired arrangement on this jam. The production is done well, love the guitar work, its a track that will get many on the dance-floor during live shows. On the track she is talking about a popular and difficult situation whereby the person you have fallen in love with you is in love with another person who doesn't want them. You will be pained knowing that you could actually give that person the love they are searching for but you cannot get their attention. 

5. Wateme Tsanga (Interlude)
On this interlude Hope borrows from popular a traditional structure to deliver a superb interlude.

6. Dreams Of Dande
One superpower of music is that it can transport you into a completely different world and this jam does exactly that, it serenades you into dreamland. The production is superbly done, the drum-work and bass combine well together. The Mbira also add that super dreamy vibe to the already superb bass and drum-work. Hope was also on another level on this track, delivering a powerful performance complementing the instrumental to near perfection. 

7. Zunde
On this track we kick into overdrive in trance land, the track has some lovely mystic energy which will get you moving to the vibe. Hope beautifully uses her vocals to control the mood and the instrumental arrangement complements the vocals very well. The end result is a fulfilling kind of vibe which you can easily get lost in. The overall production is beautifully done, love the jam. 

8. Yenzera (Interlude)
This is another lovely sounding interlude, love the backing vocals, the vibe is on point.

9. The Exorcism of A Spinster - Muregerere
On this title track Hope Masike is instructing the Spinster spirit inside a lady to leave her. The spirit has brought untold suffering and misfortune unto the Lady and it should leave. The productions is well done, the instrumental is arranged quite well. The vocals are done well, enjoyed the backing vocals.

10. Tonanaira
On this track they opted to showcase the allure of the African Drum, it has its own unique kind of energy which appeals to the African in you. The production is done well in overall, the track picks up pace as it goes, it gets you more and more involved as it goes. The vocals are well done, again I enjoyed the backing vocals on this track.

11. Mbira Yangu
Hope is the Mbira Queen and she has dedicated this track to the musical instrument that has made her into what she is. There is a lot of misconception about the Mbira instrument, many due to the new found religion have been discarding it claiming it a possessed instrument however our ancestors have been using this instrument for years and it plays an important part in who we are as a people. It responsible for a lot of powerful music over the years and at the same time has changed many lives, Hope Masike included.

12. Nditumei (The Calling)
The album ends on a rather mellow note with Hope availing herself to her calling, to the instruction from the one above. The track is just Hope and her Mbira serenading us, she is baring herself to her destiny. The production is quite minimal.

Stream the album: Exorcism Of A Spinster

So ya that's it for Hope Masike's much awaited project and its worth the wait. One clear sign of a good project is if it changes you mood the moment you start listening to it and this albums does that, it serenades you into another world.

The production in overall is top notch. Hope loves to experiment and push her music and this project is a testament of how good she is at experimenting. Enjoyed all the instrumental arrangements on tthe project. What I have come to notice and respect is that Hope is not only basing her music on the Mbira charm and/or her mbira playing skills but she bases her music on her unique interpretation of art. The tracks on this project are tracks which you can only find on a Hope Masike's project and nowhere else. She chose to be unique and shines doing so.

The vocals are well done. Hope is blessed with beautiful vocals and she knows how to use them to project the emotion required in her music. She also has superb control over her voice, you can feel she is comfortable on all the tracks. She always wears this beautiful smile which I was picturing as I was listening to the track....that's the effect of a solid image and brand.

Having the crown Mbira Queen thrown at you is a big ask but Hope has handled it very well on this track. She is carving her own unique path and is not trying to outdo the previous Mbira Queen Sister Chi and that relieves her of unnecessary pressure allowing her to express herself comfortably. The Mbira is a spiritual traditional instrument so the one who wields it is expected to be able to invoke the spirits and appeal to the inner person. Hope also shows her capabilities in that respect with tracks such as Gomba, Wateme TsangaDreams of Dande & Zunde.

In conclusion this is a solid and beautiful project. I can definitely recommend this project to anyone looking for something not mainstream but top notch. Hope has definitely outdone herself here. Have a hard time deciding which is my favourite track, so will just name my 4 best tracks on the project: Gomba, Dreams Of Dande, Zunde, Kune Mumwe. It has just become my most highly rated album of 2019.

My Overall Rating: 8.3/10

What are your thoughts on this new Hope Masike project???


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