Tocky Vibes : Life On Your Own Terms.

Tocky Vibe's musical career is basically a motivational book on it own. He blew up like crazy in 2014, he had been in the music industry for years before then but it seemed as if all he had been working for finally materialized in 2014, where he dominated everything music wise; music charts, live concerts, public & private events, radio & kombi airplay...everything music wise. However as fast as his rise came, at the turn of the year it felt as if someone turned the switch off on Tocky's brand and music as he went from being the most demanded artist to not being booked for single event/show and having his tracks suddenly disappear from the airwaves. It was so sudden that  it felt as if it happened overnight. Many pointed to listener fatigue as his few hit songs were overplayed, some pointed out to what was rumored as his now insatiable ego and some pointed to the album he released following his popular singles on which he switched from the dancehall sound that was on his mega popular singles  to a more contemporary traditional/reggae sound which had many fans feel betrayed.

Tocky however did not stop but instead continued with this new sound he wanted to push, he however stopped following the sort of standard release structures and started releasing tracks as he felt like. He could drop and album today and by the end of the week he would have released two more singles. That attitude also crossed to the visuals, he would just follow his imagination and shoot at will. For the first two years after his dominating year, it felt as if he was lost and unorganized. Tocky however  continued pushing and perfecting his sound whilst creating a brand which he wanted, a brand which is not controlled by popular trends but by Tocky himself. 

After those two years, he started to feel comfortable in his new sound and that confidence started making people take notice of him again, he started gaining new fans with each release. I was never a fan of Tocky before, especially in 2014 but last year started enjoying his music, it slowly started to grow on me and now am a huge fan, I now rush to his YouTube channel every-time he has a new track. Such a change is not only happening to me but to many Zimbos, during my travels I have noticed various people playing Tocky's music, some even debating on which of his many tracks is the best, recently the Kombi that I boarded to town was playing only Tocky's tracks which was something I  last witnessed years ago. There is a newly found appreciation of Tocky's music that is happening.

The most impressive thing is that after 2015 he lost the massive dancehall fanbase he had, but now his growing fanbase is not only restricted to dancehall/reggae peiple but his music has grown on fans of different genres; Hip Hop heads, House heads, Rhumba fans, Jazz fanatics, Pop fans... etc. The fact that his sound is growing on people means those fans will behind Tocky for years, they are not not forced on his music as what happened in 2014, they are growing to love what he is doing and respect him for his uniqueness. 

Another attribute I love when you listen to his music is that because he is not following the rules of a certain genre he can sing about anything from politics to religion and also structure his music in any way he feel like. One track may lean towards reggae, the next may lead to wards afro-pop, the next may be leaning to jazz, that unpredictability makes him interesting. He also has his own style of singing, making use of these interesting Shona words and also structures the vocals in unique Tocky way. 

Going forward I can only see Tocky regaining his dominance but this time playing the game on his own rules and terms and if you ask me, that is the best way to do anything...on your own set terms. Tocky has proven that it a tough road being your own person and cultivating your brand as you see fit but when it starts to pay off its one of the sweetest things in the world. 

Wanted to make a review of his latest album Villagers Money but after such a mini biography I will definitely be biased and also by the time I finish the review he would have released new tracks rendering my review late, so instead will just give you this rather motivational  journey of Tocky Vibes.



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