Minister Michael Mahendere - Victory Classical Worship

Minister Michael Mahendere is one of the biggest gospel artists in the country, he is regarded as one of the best Worshippers we have in the country. Since he came onto the music scene a number of years back he has shot to the top and has remained there ever since. Last year he released Getting Personal With God 3 (GPWG3), you can scroll onto my previous post and read the review .GPWG3 had a couple of good tracks but as whole I felt the vibe of the album was a bit off especially on the worship tracks, they did not  really push me into a worship mode as I had gotten used to listening to Min Mahendere's worship tracks.

Minister Mahendere is however not stopping, he is continuing to minister and spread the gospel. He has now released a new project titled Victory Classical Worship. His last project was largely worship and this project is more likely be following a similar route, the album title also implies so. So have managed to  listen to the album and today will be sharing with you my views and thoughts on the project.

As usual will be doing a track by track review as usual.

1. Victory
The first track on the album is an uptempo rendition of a popular hymn. The track celebrates victory by the blood of Jesus Christ. This rendition sounds very good, Minister Mahendere did a good job giving this track a different spin without making the original song any less appealing. The production is done well, the vocals are well done also. Its a fitting track to begin an album with, you will be singing and dancing along by the time the track ends.

2. Tawanirwe Nyasha
On this track they again adopted a popular similar titled hymn for the chorus. On the track they are saying we have the favour of the Lord, we have the love of the Lord, we have been given grace. The track has energy and is uplifting. The production is done well, instrumental arrangement is also well done, enjoyed the guitar work. Again as with the track before the rendition is well done, fans of original track will not complain, i'm not complaining at all, love it.

3. Christ In Me
The intro of the track is quite lovely, the instrumentals set the tone well. The overall production is done very well, it beautifully captures the Naija energy without being an obvious copy of the Naija style. The vocals are also equally at par with the instrumental. On this track they are saying Chirst is in Me, the Lord's favour is on me, His grace is with me. When you have Christ In You, you are blessed.

4. My Time Has Come (feat Jimmy D Psalmist)
They slow down the tempo on this declaration song, they are saying This Is My Season, My Time Has Come. On this track Minister Mahendere teamed up with Nigerian gospel artists who gave us the hit track Mighty Man Of War. The two artists complemented each other quite well and the backing vocals did a solid solid job. Given the popularity of the two artists in their respective countries and the message of the track this can become a big track on the continental scene if marketed well.

5. Ndiani Anoziva
Minister Mahendere on this track is saying no-one can cheat life, no-one can know what God has planned for the future, only in the name of Jesus Christ can we find victory. The track is well produced, the arrangement of the vocals and instruments is well done.

6. Ndiye Mwari (feat. Welcome Nhariswa)
On this track they are exalting the most high Lord, they are testifying that the Lord transforms lives, he blesses the cursed, he uplifts those looked down upon. He is the God who qualifies the unqualified, how can one thank such a God. The performance on the track on point, the collaboration works. The production is done well, the arrangement complements the track well and helps set the mood well. This is a track that one sings when God has done great things in their lives. My early favourite track on the album.

7. Adonai
This is a lovely worship track, they are saying unto the Lord that you are the Alpha and Omega, you deserve to be worshiped. The track is produced well,  the instrumental arrangement is well done and the same applies to the vocal arrangement.

8. Let It Overflow
On this track they are saying we need your presence to overflow Lord, let you favour overflow, let your grace overflow. The vocals are well done, Minister Mahendere was on point and the backing vocalists were also up to task delivering a solid performance. The production is also well done, it's complementing the track very well.

9. Who Is Like Him
This track follows a similar structure from the previous track, the vocal arrangement is similar, the track in overall has a similar vibe. On this track Minister Mahendere featured his wife and their collaboration works well. They are exalting the Lord, telling him that He is Holy, no-one is like Him. The track has also received some visuals which are quite lovely to watch and they fit the track well.

10. Only Believe
They switched their style on this track and adopted a popular narrating based worship style. The track also gives a platform to several backing vocalists to showcase their talent. The production of the track is done well, the emphasis is on the vocals and the instrumental is there to provide a solid support to the vocals.

11. Mandiri
On the final track on the album is a rendition of a popular and powerful worship track. The track is about submitting yourself unto the Lord for His will to be done unto you. Its about letting the most high Lord take control of the situation. The rendition is well done, he did not try and change much, the track capitalizes on the strength of the original song. The vocals are done well, Min Mahendere's backing vocalists have greatly improved.

Stream the album: Victory Classical Worship

So ya that's it for Victory Classical Worship and I have to say it's better than his last project, the Minister is back in form. This album starts extremely strong, the track selection, the mood of the tracks is on point. The album is structured well, it controls the mood well, the album is does a brilliant job transitioning between the uptempo tracks and the worship tracks.

The production is done well throughout the album. Enjoyed the instrumental arrangements throughout, they complemented the vocals beautifully. On the last album complained that the modern sound that Min Mahendere was going for in other track killed the mood on some tracks especially the worship tracks. Am glad to say the executed is way better on this album, I have no complains on the mood and production of this project.

The vocals are solid throughout the album. Min Mahendere is a talented vocalist and he showed it throughout the album. The backing vocalists album rose to the occasion every-time they were called upon. My favourite track Ndiye Mwari showcases everything that is beautiful about this album; the collaboration with Welcome Nhariswa is superb, his voice and Min Mahendere's blended well, the backing vocals were tight and on point, the instrumental is lovely and complements the vocals beautifully.

In conclusion this is a solid project from the Minister, all I can say is the Minister is back to his best. Have enjoyed listening to this album, it has got me into a grateful and worship mood, and that is what a good worship session is supposed to do to you. I definitely recommend this album, it has surpassed the Vine's Musandipfuure to being my top Gospel album of 2019 so far.
My Overall Rating: 8/10

What are your thoughts on the album??


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