Minister Michael Mahendere - Victory Classical Worship

Minister Michael Mahendere is one of the biggest gospel artists in the country, he is regarded as one of the best Worshippers we have in the country. Since he came onto the music scene a number of years back he has shot to the top and has remained there ever since. Last year he released Getting Personal With God 3 (GPWG3), you can scroll onto my previous post and read the review .GPWG3 had a couple of good tracks but as whole I felt the vibe of the album was a bit off especially on the worship tracks, they did not really push me into a worship mode as I had gotten used to listening to Min Mahendere's worship tracks. Minister Mahendere is however not stopping, he is continuing to minister and spread the gospel. He has now released a new project titled Victory Classical Worship. His last project was largely worship and this project is more likely be following a similar route, the album title also implies so. So have managed to listen to the album and today will be sharing...