Artists Who Have Failed To Escape The Shadows Of Their Own Song

It so happens that artists release a track that will be so successful that they will spend their entire careers trying to better that one song. Was browsing YouTube listening to some old songs and came across some tracks which led me to creating this article. So will be sharing with you artists who have failed to escape the shadow of their hit songs.

1. Gift Amuli - Wamatuka
This is a classic jam and that will forever ensure that the name Gift Amuli will not be forgotten in the sungura industry. Gift Amuli has however over a number of more album tried to match the success of this song and failed all those times. Despite having a cult following especially in Zvishavane and Masvingo he has somehow failed to really break into the top tier sungura artists in the country. 

2. Roki - Chidzoka
Roki has many classic tracks such as Aiiyaho but he released his biggest track Chidzoka in 2007 and up to now he has failed to release a track bigger that it. Chidzoka solidified Roki as an urban icon and went on to become song of the year in 2007. Roki's career has been a rollercoaster but he remains a close to many Zimbo's hearts.

3. Joseph Garakara - Idya Banana
This may pass as a one hit wonder, Joseph Garakara who was a headmaster found himself at the top of the music charts when he released this track, I do not think he even expected the track to perforrm as good as it did. He followed with an album Simbabwe but it never contained the magic that Idya Banana had, now he is no longer doing music but many will remember him for his track.

4. Dobba Don - Mudendere
This mega track seemed to come out of nowhere and shot to the top of the dancehall charts and given how big and competitive the dancehall scene is that is a major achievement. Dobba Don introduced himself in a massive way, the social commentary on that track is on another level, it will remain relevant for years; we are all in a constant battle to do stuff to satisfy our minds/dreams/perceptions ,so you should do what makes you feel good and your life will be worthwhile. Dobba Don went to release other tracks but none has the same impact and magic such as Mudendere. 

5. Peekay - Ma1
This was a surprise hit, it came out of nowhere and dominated the charts and playlists. Before the song came out very few people knew  Pee Kay even existed. After that Pee Kay tried to replicate the success of  Ma1 but failed to find the magic touch. After about two years he also disappeared from the music scene. 

So that those are the first 5 artists for this episode, feel free to comment with other artists who have failed to escape the shadow of their hit tracks and will definitely include them on the next episode.

Feel free to comment with other artists who have failed to escape the shadows of their tracks.


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