Album Review : Stunner - Stray Bullet

Stunner is an urban icon, regardless whether you like the guy or not he has played an instrumental role in taking urban local music to where it is now. Stunner came onto the hip hop scene with all guns blazing and changed the local rap scene.  He is also responsible for arguably the biggest and most popular hip hop track in local rap history; Godo feat Ba Shupi. After Godo the music side of Stunner took a major dip and he has failed to ignite the same magic that he once possessed but regardless of that his masterfully cultivated controversial personality and image has ensured he remains relevant. He is probably the only hip hop guy who can sing about anything and get away with it, he has earned himself a cult following of people who love him for him regardless of whether he releases tracks or not. Moreover because of that he can afford to be as playful as he wants and such playfulness is  evident as you listen to the album. His last album If I Die Tonight was a commendable album, (If I Die Tonight Album Review) but he could do better and so is the new album better?? 

The album contains 9 tracks and will be doing the usual track by track review:

1. My Lady (feat Episode)
Dancehall has been controlling the local music industry for years now and many have resorted to working with rather than against dancehall and it pay off most of the time. Stunner has engaged the services of Ghanaian dancehall artists Episode on this track and it was a great move. The track is sounding very good, love the bouncy instrumental. Episode delivered a superb performance on this track, he complimented the instrumental very well.  Stunner also raised his game and delivered a solid performance. This is a track one sings when they are proud of their lady, it's about appreciating and giving her the praise and compliments that she deserves whilst reassuring her that she is your one true love. This track needs some good visuals, it will get some mileage on continental music stations.

2. They Know
With Stunner you know he is bound to get on that braggadocio tip and he went on hard on this track. He is saying they know he has done it all and he is on top. He is highlighting how he can carry the whole hip hop industry on his own (something he has done quite a lot during his career). He goes on to challenge all the other rappers when he call them toddlers!. Loved Stunner's performance on this track, he is always at his best when he is challenging or beefing with someone. The production is also done well, the instrumental gives the track the energy it requires and the end result is a daring track.

3. Akarohwa Mari (feat Ba Shupi)
Stunner teamed up with partner in crime Ba Shupi to conjure up the magic of their mega hit Godo and to be fair they managed to recreate some of the magic. The track is catchy, Ba Shupi did his part well, delivering a chorus that is very relate-able and easy to sing along to. Stunner on his part delivered his signature performance, dropping some entertaining bars in his verses. The theme tackled on this jam is one a lot of us can relate to, many have came across those people who will be throwing cash all over the club forgetting the fact that such a windfall is a rare occurrence and the following day they are back to square zero. The production is also done quite well. This is a track that becomes relevant after every weekend or holiday, quite a goldmine they have struck here.

4. Follow Me (feat Pesshi)
The track features the only female artist on the album and she did a fabulous job on her part, delivering a lovely sultry performance laced with some Naija elements and styles. The track adopts this dreamy modern pop sound which is sounding good, not the instrumental one expects from Stunner but he pulled it very well. Stunner on his part delivered a good performance, he was chilled and he proved he can rap in English as well as he does in Shona. The track is about taking charge of a relationship and giving your partner a memorable time. 

5. Zvinei Nemi (feat Hillzy)
Have been following Hillzy for some time and was glad when I saw that he joined forces with Stunner on this album and their collaboration works very well. Whenever Stunner is in charge of the chorus it can go either way and on this track he hit the right spots and notes, the chorus is sounding good. He also carried on withe the good job on the verses, he delivered his signature performance. Hillzy was in charge of the second verse and he nailed it, loved his delivery, content and style despite sounding a lot like Nasty C. The production is done well, the instrumental is sounding good, good job by the production team.

6. Musatifinhure
Now the playfulness I mentioned in the intro is in full showcase on this track. This is not a track that is going to get played on radio, or even pane vabereki. The sampled protest track is not family friendly at all, it will definitely get people hyped and singing along on a live show especially after people are drunk. The track is aimed at those dis-tractors, those party poppers that just want to make the day bad for everyone. 

7. Stray Bullet (feat Element B) Shabach Live Band Mix
Engaging the live band was a very good move from Stunner, I believe this is the route he should now take going forward. The track is mature, composed and for someone of Stunner's stature this is the kind of sound and structure that will set him apart from all these upcoming rappers. The arrangement is done very well, the live nature of the track gave it more life. Stunner was also at par on the vocals, he managed to blend very well with the instrumental, Element B was also very good on her part. The track talks about those people who get to suffer for actions they did not do, getting in jail for crimes you have not committed. A lot of people have been hit by the so called stray bullet, suffering for the actions of other people. Powerful song and a fitting title track.

8. I Need Money
Coming from Stray Bullet above this track shows a drop in quality, this is the sound he must now leave for the young guns. It's a track about everyone who is hustling in the hope of getting rich at the end of one's endeavors, we all need money in order to live the life we want and buy the stuff we want. Stunner performance was okay, the 2nd verse is much better but not the best of the lot.

9. Mune Mari Here (feat Boom Betto)
Stunner loves fusing traditional jit songs with modern arrangements and this song adds to that list of tracks. He engaged the services of Boom Betto on this track and their collaboration works surprisingly well. The two artists delivered good performances on the track. This track however is light when it comes to theme and substance, despite sounding good when one tries to listen to the lyrics that's where it all goes south. You can play it on that day wakafarisa probably after you come across some cash windfall but such days are rare so most of the times there is no need for this song

In overall this is a respectable project from Stunner, its definitely better than his last project; If I Die Tonight. The production is a bit inconsistent, some tracks show improvement (Stray Bullet, Zvinei Nemi, My Lady) then on other tracks its a step back (I Need Money, Musatifinhure). Stunner was his usual self on the vocals and if yo already love his style, you will not be disappointed.

My favourite track on the album is Stray Bullet, and other tracks I enjoyed are They Know, Zvinei Nemi, Akarohwa Mari & My Lady. Tracks I can live without; I Need Money, Musatifinhure & Mune Mari Here. Hope as we go forward Stunner gives us more tracks such as Stray Bullet, such tracks will show his maturity in the game, engaging the live more band will do wonders for him. To conclude this review, this is an album you can listen to but it not near the best that is out there, which for the moment is Sharky's Take Back The Land.
My Overall Rating: A,B,C,Poor.

What are your thoughts on the album???


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