Proud Zimbo's Top 5 Tracks of February

At the end of each month we compile a list the best 5 tracks that are released that month. February had a lot of activity from various artists as compared to January. Maybe its the love bug that pushed artists to release tracks, but regardless of the reason it as a great month for the fans. Tytan & Ammara Brown - Mukoko topped the list for January.

Ten(10) tracks are in the running for the top 5 of Feb : Tehn Diamond ft Simba Tagz - Give Thanks, Jnr Brown - Tongogara, Courtney Antipas - Can You See Us, Alexio Kawara - Nehana, Hope Masike - Nduri, Dj Stavo ft Trademark & Muungu Afrika - Ngimtholile, Cal_Vin - Picture Perfect, Soul Afrika - Just Because, Brythreesixty - X's and Jam Signal - Stuck In My Head.

So lets get down to it:

5) Zim Jam Signal - Stuck In My Head
The boy band is growing in stature with ever release they make. Am a big fan of how they fuse their music...They always bring a unique flavour. Get the track at: Zim Jam Signal Soundcloud

4)Tehn Diamond ft Simba Tagz - Give Thanks
The second Poem from Tehn is reminding us to be Grateful for life. With Tagz lacing the beat with some sweet drum work this is one beautiful track. Get the track at:

3) Dj Stavo ft Trademark & Muungu Africa - Ngimtholile
Kwekwe Hustler has dropped another banger. Stavo is getting better with each track and this new one bangs. Download the track : Ngimtholile (Reverbnation)

2) Jnr Brown - Tongogara(Real Talk)
Revolution and awareness is the theme here. Jnr Brown dug rilly deep to give us this heavily pregnant socially conscious track. He addressed all the inequalities, societal ills, political issues that are currently troubling the majority of Zimbos. Buy the track: Tongogara (iTunes) or Tongogara (Amazon)

1) Alexio Kawara - Nehana 
This track is wonderfully executed, amazing instrument arrangement, beautiful lyrics and a powerful vocal performance from Alexio. This is a track we going to be enjoying for years to come. To get the track like the page : Alexio Kawara and The Shades of Black and follow the instruction of the page.

Do you agree with the list???



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