Track Review : Prophecy - Hatiko Ikoko

Prophecy has been quiet for some time, many had already written him off  but he is back now and he is sounding pretty great. Christian Hip Hop especially by the Zim artists has been dominating twitter, with debates on what is expected and whats not?? whats Christian and whats not!! the debates are still far from over. Such criticism has led to Brythreesixty dropping the CHH label due to the misconception people have about the genre!!! Regardless of that, the music must keep on playing and new music is expected from the artists. Prophecy has returned from his sabbatical break with a new jam. So how good is the track???

The production on this track is top notch, am loving the instrumental. For those who thought gospel music is always behind must think again. The instrumental can match the best of secular hip hop, its sounding lovely. Great work there.

This track is about enjoying life in Christ. Many people think church is boring and always serious but this song is testifying to the contrary. On this track Prophecy is saying yes we may look like others in appearance but Hatiko Ikoko. Meaning we not living in the world; being guided by worldly  beliefs and norms but living according to the Gospel.  Lovely track.

One way to test a good gospel track is by judging how it makes you feel when listening to it and Hatiko Ikoko makes me feel good, it makes me feel wanna keep on living according to the word.

What are your thoughts on the track??


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