Track Review : Courtney Antipas - GWAD (God's Way All Day)

Courtney Antipas is working overtime preaching the word. Since the beginning of the year he has been in our ears every month, every day making sure everyone gets the word. In Feb he released Live Wise State of Mind EP Vol 2  which was pregnant with rich messages. He then in April went on to release Fal$e in which he was condemning christian rappers for prioritizing earthly things more than preaching the word . Last month he featured on Russuniversl's Wierdos, a super super track in which he was saying we should be soldiers of the word and must never tire or be ashamed of standing up for the true gospel. Wierdos was the number 1 song for July (Top 5 Songs of July.). He is back again with GWAD, and how does it fare compared to others?? Is he still preaching the word?? 

Yes he is still preaching the word. On GWAD he is urging others to keep living God's Way All Day, mostly other christian rappers who get carried away by the world, concentrating more on making a good image rather than preaching the word. Even the believers are giving more attention on earthly things rather the word of God.

The song was produced by T-Collar, and he did a great job. Many say Gospel is boring, dull, depressing, that's not the case with this track. The beat is dope, fresh, entertaining, lively. Who now can say Church/Gospel Music is boring?? 

Vigilante just entered my most anticipated albums of 2015 list!! If all local gospel rap music had such rich messages, l bet there would not have been such resistance from the masses. Superb Track.



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