Local Celebrities: Real Names vs Stage Names

This may appear to be a useless post to others, maybe it is but l just thought of letting you know the real names of your Favorite Local celebrities. Some of them makes you wonder how they got to chose that specific stage name, l will be giving my own reason of their choices and if the name is reflective of their careers!!!! If opportunities arise l will have to ask them about that. 

Lets get started =>

  • Tehn Diamond   : Tendai Nguni :  The Tehn seems to have came from Tendai. Diamond, well it is the strongest and most beautiful material in the world, I believe he meant he is as strong and precious. The name is somehow reflective of his career.
  • Stunner : Desmond Chideme ;  The stage name did not emanate from his real name, but more of the effect he believe he would have on the music scene. Stun them all and also shine brightly. He has though shined over most artist for most of his career.
  • Quonfuzed  : Macdonal Sheldon ; Either he wanted to cause confusion in the dancehall scene or he is just quonfuzed. He is living up to his name.
  • Doc Vikela : Victor Tinashe Mpofu ; The Vikela came from his second name. The Doc must have came from the his belief that he will cure people with laughter. He has lived up to his name, the Mai Chisamba, Macheso & Sulu Polygamy clip still kills me to this day
  • Seh Calaz : Tawanda Mumanyi; The Seh came from Sir which means he wanted to be respected and honored. The Calaz l believe he either aims to be a colourful/bountiful artist or he is a fan of colours!!!!! because most of his stage costumes are quite colourful.
  • Lady Squander :  Sandra Gazi ; The Lady means she is dignified, well mannered and a high social standing... so nahhhh. that doesn't fit at all. She has a high social standing in dancehall circles though. The Squanda well l believe she meant she will lay waste to all other artists or it just means she is a waste or reckless if we use the dictionary meaning.
  • Ninja Lipsy : Endazvaitwa Chitimbe ; Unique first name there. So as its obvious the stage name did not come from her real name, I suspect it meant she is good at lip-syncing she just removed the 'ncing'. The Ninja obviously it came from the labels nickname. Her name and her career eeerm No Comment
  • Sniper Storm : Donald Chirisa ; The sniper l believe was to show how lethal and deadly he was, a warning to others in the industry. The storm also another intimidating word to show intent to others and showing he was gonna be untouchable. Currently though l believe either the sniper part has no more bullets or he is waiting for the rainy season again because the storm is nowhere to be seen!!
  • Trae Yung : Tracy Mbeulani ; The Trae l believe came from Tracy. The Yung now, uhhhhm maybe she is copying the young/lil movement in the USA or nahhhh. it has to be following the trend. If so she lacked creativity in choosing a name, is she also lacking creativity uhmmm you judge!!!
  • Karizma : Tinashe Sanhanga ; Karizma came from the word Charisma, which means compelling attractiveness or divinely conferred talent. Now do those definitions apply to his persona uhmmmmmmmmmm. NO

 This is just my crazy analysis. Whats your take on the names mentioned and many others l did not mention?? 

On a much lighter note:



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