Mbeu and The Mhodzi Tribe - Manera Album Review

Mbeu and the Mhodzi Tribe are back with a new album and am very excited about it. The last two albums that I have reviewed from Mbeu ended up being my top projects in that specific year. This year the competition is cranked up to maximum with solid projects dropping left right and center. How will this album fare to albums like Mustard Seed, Verified Milestone, Songs Of David and Gwara. Rushed to get my copy and as usual will now be sharing my views and thoughts on the project. As usual will be doing a track by track review. 1. Chengaose On the first track Mbeu is saying try everything you can, despite the world being full of thorns and distractions you will find something that works for you. Production is done well, track is well arranged, the vocals and instrumental blend well together. Vocals are solid, Mbeu was solid as usual and the backing vocals are also solid. 2. Manera On the title track Mbeu is saying given an opportunity I will take full advantage of it. An opport...