Albums I Am Looking Forward To In 2019

Happy 2019 to you all, hope you had a fantastic festive season. As is now culture that at the beginning of each year I share with you the albums/projects I will be looking forward to in that specific year and that is what I'll be doing on this article. Many artists take long to announce the title of their albums of the albums so do not have the titles to most of them. A challenge I face is that a lot of artists are now shunning away from releasing albums, regardless of that there are still a number of them who still believe in albums. Lets get to the ten projects am looking forward to in 2019. 1. Mokoomba - Untitled Mokoomba are the biggest musical export in the country right now and are the most traveled band internationally. They last released an album two years back in 2017 and It was and still is a superb piece of work. During the release date their manager stated that from now going forwards the band will be releasing more frequently so there will not be another 6 year...